jack [one shot] - request for MaCenzieGrazer

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macenzie jones. she walks the school halls mainly by herself, and everyone thinks she just hates other people in general.

i mean, she's cold, hot-headed, and you rarely see her talking to someone else willingly.

most people try to stay away, but there's one boy who doesn't. one boy with dark, curly hair and big, brown puppy eyes.

his name is jack grazer. he's a class clown, and loves being friends with everyone. he's almost too friendly with some of his friends, holding hands as if they're a couple. (ahem)

every day, for the past five months, he's tried to make conversation with macenzie. there's something about her dark eyes and dark hair that captivates him, and he doesn't just want to give up,

"hey 'cenzie." he'll try, and she just avoids eye contact with him at all times. he walks next to her, talking about all sorts of things, and she just silently listens.

she's not gonna deny that he's cute, but she's not gonna deny that he's lowkey annoying either.

"jones! how are you?" jack runs up to her after the last school bell rings.

"i'm not in the mood to talk." macenzie says shutting her locker and looking at him. this takes him aback slightly, because she usually never talks in general.

"do you ever really talk though?" jack says, walking right next to her anyways.

"eh." macenzie shrugs, and kicks the ground as she walks.

"so," jack says nudging her. "why don't you talk? make friends? y'know, the whole socialize thing?" he raises an eyebrow.

"because people don't like me." she shrugs simply, forgetting that she's not in the mood to talk.

"what are you talking about? i like you." jack says, grinning toothily at her. she rolls her eyes and suppresses a small smile.

"well, besides you. most people try to avoid me at all costs." macenzie shrugs.

"that's mean. well, you've got me!" jack says, throwing an arm around her. she flinches, and he pulls away quickly. "did i hurt you? i'm sorry, are you okay?" his face is painted with concern and shes shakes her head.

"i'm easily startled." is all macenzie says, and he looks relieved, keeping his arm to himself this time.

"macenzie, let's play 20 questions." jack tells her.

"you've told me practically everything about you." macenzie looks at him all-knowingly.

"fine. i'll just ask you. but only 15 questions since we're not including me." he points, and then clears his throat. "okay, how many friends do you have? like actual ones." macenzie doesn't hesitate with her answer.

"none. besides you." her answer surprises jack but he doesn't show it.

"okay, next one, how annoying am i on a scale (hah) of one to ten?"

"depends on the day. you're either a two or an eight. there's no in between." she chuckles lightly, and he grins even wider at her smile.

"alrighty, number three, favorite color and why?"

"that counts as two." macenzie says.

"okay, well go for it." jack shrugs.

"red. red because it reminds me of the sky when the sun is setting."

"that's nice." jack says genuinely, but of course macenzie doesn't believe that. "okay, five, favorite food?"

"ummm. can't decide. there's too many."

"six; do you like pineapple on pizza?"

"don't even ask me that question." macenzie laughs.

"okay, okay. seven and eight. do you have a soft spot for anything? and why?" he asks.

"yeah. i have a soft spot for people who are genuine and sincere. and it's because i don't have any friends so i'll value anyone who's actually nice to me."

"sooo... me?"

"that counts as number nine. and yes, you count."

"that means a lot." jack beams, holding a hand to his chest. "allllright. number ten. are you usually cold to everyone you don't know?"

"um, unintentionally, yeah." macenzie frowns.

"number eleven," jack says, noticing her frown. "are you usually this nice around people you know well?" jack smiles, and her frown starts to fade.

"again, i don't have friends. but i guess so, yeah."

"now, number twelve, are you scared of anything?"

"well, i'm scared of practically everything. mostly rejection. and that's another friend/trust issues problem."

"thirteen... would you believe me if i said i'm sorry and i want to be your friend?"

"sure." macenzie says vaguely. jack takes it as a good sign. they stop in front of macenzie's house and she turns to him.

"okay." jack struggles to think. "can i get your number?" this catches macenzie off guard, and she nods a little too quickly. she awkwardly fumbles for her phone in her back pocket, and they trade devices to put their contacts in.

"thanks." macenzie says sheepishly, as jack hands her phone back.

"no, thank you." jack smiles, and heads off his own way.

macenzie, now giddy, skips inside and shuts the door behind her. she runs into her room and collapses on her bed, sighing.

she stares at the ceiling for what seems like forever, until she feels a vibration in her pocket.

private message


hey, um

i've been meaning to ask for
the past few months

number fifteen:
would you say yes if i
say "will you go out with me?"

this sends tons of butterflies into macenzie's stomach and her heart begins to race, reading it over and over. she snaps herself out of the trance and her fingers stumble over the keyboard.


hm that counts as two questions

and the answer is yes to both of them



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