finn [one shot] - request for 80sand90senthusiast

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kenzi likes to think she's an average teenager. well, besides the fact that she spends most of her time inside.

almost 80% of the time, she's got her nose in a book, playing a game, doodling on her homework, or writing another short story.

and yes, she plays minecraft. not nearly as seriously as overwatch or anything, but she does play it. in all honesty, she just likes to fight with other people on political topics or annoy people by correcting their grammar.

"yes, mom, i did all the dishes." kenzi yells down the hall, and shuts her bedroom door. she hops onto her bed and opens her laptop.

bored, she scrolls through the various games. as she's about to click on one, she spies the minecraft icon and changes her mind.

kenzi loads the server page and goes onto a mini game server. she decides to play hunger games, clicking the random team one.

immediately, she's brought into the mini lobby right before the game starts. her partner has already been assigned.


he types a message to her, asking for her skype.

wanna skype?

uh, idk you

i swear on my life that i am a small harmless teenage boy

uh, i still dk you

pls i came here to make friends and everyone hates me

... kenziiii

yay thank you :) im finnskata on skype as well

as the game loads, kenzi gets a skype notification. she hesitantly accepts the friend request and call, not showing her face in the camera.

a boy with dark, curly hair and freckles appears in the skype window.

"i'm finn." he says casually, and kenzi relaxes slowly.

"i'm kenzi." she says, coming into frame a little.

"do you believe that i'm not a serial killer?" he asks, his eyes now focused on the beginning game.

"i'm not sure what to think of a lot of things." kenzi says vaguely, and he nods with understanding.

"well, kenzi, from the five pixels i can see of your face, you're not so bad."

"not so bad for what?"

"for nothing. you're hiding your face but you seem like a perfectly fine person. pretty, too."

"i don't want you to stalk me and kill me. i just wanna be a nice person and i have nothing else to do."

"ah, i see."

"so, why do you play minecraft?"

"because it's funny. i'd rather play other games if i wanna be serious, but eh. i get bored. and you?"

"literally the exact same thing." kenzi starts to warm up to finn, showing more of her face.

"see? you're gorgeous." finn chuckles.

"don't sugarcoat it." kenzi squints in suspicion.

"so, not to be creepy, but where do you live?" finn asks, and by now they aren't taking he game seriously.

"uh, not helping your status with me right now. how about you tell me about you." kenzi says.

"sure. i live in the west coast of canada, i like gaming with my brother and nonexistent friends, and i also act every now and then. i also play guitar." he says, smiling.

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