Chapter 4 ~ Their Meeting

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A/N: Sorry I didn't update this sooner. I wrote two other stories in two weeks, and I feel my vision failing, so I am going to keep this as short as I can but long enough to satisfy you readers. Anyways, happy reading! :)


Mina's POV

That man... something seemed familiar about him. Why had he saved me? That look on his face, I've seen it somewhere before. But where? Was it from him? We sat there looking at the clear lake, no one spoke a word. My tears dried, and soon, my heart rate slowed.

Minutes passed as we fell into silence, then hours. It was almost pitch dark by now.
"What's your name?" the man suddenly asked, looking at me. Startled, I felt my body tense. He asked the question so eagerly as if he wanted to ask me the question the entire time. My vision slowly cleared, I turned so I could properly see his features. His eyes were clear and soft. So soft, messy brown hair, pale skin, and bunny like teeth. What had I remembered? Realizing I had stared at him for so long I quickly turned my head.

"O-oh... m-my name is Mina," I stuttered. Why am I so nervous?

"Mina... Mina," he practiced my name as if he just remembered something from his past.


"Um, don't worry about it." As if he was embarrassed, he looked away. Pretending it never happened, I looked back at the lake, admiring the clarity and how it reflected the stars.

Remembering, I asked, "What's your name? I never asked."

"Oh. Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook" he replied quietly. I tried to repeated his name through my head, wanting to imprint the name into my mind. The man that told me to stop, to not leave this world. But why?

"I should go," I said, quickly collecting myself together again. I grabbed my shoes and jacket and dashed off.

I ran, not wanting to leave Jungkook there but I had no choice.

"MINA! WAIT!" I heard him desperately shout. Not wanting to look back I closed my eyes. "MINA!" Jungkook, Jungkook...JUNGKOOK, YOU MUST REMEMBER HIS NAME! You must... Everything faded into darkness.

Chapter 4 Completed


A/N: I did it. A chapter at least 200 words long after like 5 hours of sleep. Yay. Well, I hope that you are enjoying the story (even though there are only like 15 of you). Anyways, happy reading! :)

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