Chapter 4: Troubled feelings?

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~~'MERIDA'S P.O.V'~~

Oof, so much mud, my gown got dirty.  I was walking at the muddy road because it's raining and Angus is tired.  "Are we lost Angus?"  I asked my tired horse.  He just neighed, I sighed.  "Well, maybe we are lost."

We just both walked, it got cold all of the sudden, "Brr, so cold.....Where are we?"  I talked to myself.  Angus neighed, "Shussh, Angus, we might be heard.  Let's just take a good look on what's ahead."

I said to him while getting on top of Angus, we went forward with Angus' fast galloping.  Maybe Jack is there, since it's cold.  We were almost there until Angus fainted, we both fell down........

My eyes went blurry, What's happening??!!.....Hnggghhh!!  I fainted and I saw nothing but the dark. 

""  I heard someone's voice, it feels familiar.  Who is that person?......   ""  I heard a woman's voice, she sounds like a queen......

I opened my eyes slowly and woke up, "She's awake."  Someone said.  "Oh-oh, stay down."  I heard Jack's voice and let me lay down.  "Good thing, she's awake."  I saw a beautiful lady with white hair, blue eyes, pale skin...

and she wears a beautiful yet mystical blue gown, with snow patterns as if she was the snow queen from winter's eve.  I snapped back to reality, "Th-thank you fo-r ta-taking care of me."  I bowed down as I fell out of bed,

someone laughed, she was a girl with strawberry-blonde hair, with a splash of freckles in her face, that looks like the beautiful lady.  "I'm Elsa Frost, the snow queen, and who might you be?"  She asked,

"I'm're majesty, and I'm a princess of the Flame Empire."  I said, and she widened her eyes like she saw a monster, she fell down.  "Elsa!"  The girl picked her up, I saw Jack going near to her,

and they looked scared at me, "Yo-you're..."  Queen Elsa pointed at me with her arm shaking, "Me-merida....I never"  Jack didn't continue, I know what's wrong.............They are the Frozen kingdom....

I ran away from the castle opening the door, it got colder and the snow got thicker, "How will I get out of here?"  I asked myself.

~~'HAN'S P.O.V'~~

"I think Merida is finished in her studies, I better check her."  I walked up to her room, "Merida, can you please open the door?"  I asked while knocking and she didn't answer, I tried to open the door but it was locked,

"Merida, open the door, right now!!!"  I grabbed my key from my pocket, "I'll open the door whenever you want it or not."  I unlocked the door and I saw Merida...gone.

"Get the guards!!!!!"  I ordered, "Find Merida!!!!  She might be in town, in an empire, the forest......."  I demanded and they started finding her now, I rode on my horse too, and helped the guards find Merida..

Where might she be??!!  "Merida!!!!!!" I was inside the forest, and I saw some footsteps, more like some horse's footsteps...  It might be Angus' footsteps, "Hyaahh!!"  I followed the footsteps of Merida's horse,

but it was the way of the Frozen Kingdom.......  Maybe they took Merida hostage.  I was at front of the castle's gate, "OPEN THE DOOR!!!!!!!!!"  The other guards were in my back, then the gate opened with some

guards made of ice and snow, "It's the flame empire, close the gate."  They closed but my guards and I pushed the gate, "Hans!!!!"  I heard Merida's shout, she was at the palace in front of the door,

"Merida!!"  I headed straight for her and pulled her by the arm, "Stay there, I have some work to do with the vicious queen here."  I said with disgust.  "No, wait!!!!"  Merida stopped me, "Are you with them, Merida?"

I asked.  "No, I don't want a war!!!!  It's my fault for passing by here!!"  She confessed, "Well, how did you get here then?"  "They took care of me, I fainted while going here and the next thing, I was in their bed."

She explained......I got to owe a favor to Elsa?  Hmmph, no way!  "Come on brother."  Merida did a puppy face, Just can't resist that face of hers.  "Fine!!!  I'm doing this for you."  I went in to the palace,

"My king, is this alright for you?"  The guards asked, "This is just for Merida.  I have no intention on getting along with them."  I went upstairs, "Where are you?!"  I shouted.  

"Do you have a problem with me?"  Elsa popped out of my back and I raised out my sword, "If you're going to hurt me or my siblings, then I'll have a fight with you, Hans."  Elsa's hand sparked with snow on her hands.

"I-I..."  "You what?"  She asked with a glare.  "It's not like....I want to get a-along with you..or something....I-I ju-just want to owe you a-a  fa-fa-fa..."  "A fa- what?"  She asked sarcastically.  "I-I just want

to owe you a fvor, that's all."  I put the sword back to my sheath, "Hmphhh!!  But we still are enemies."  I finally said it, She giggled a little, "What's with the giggle??!!"  I asked her, "You're blushing....."

She chuckled.  Grrr.....  >////>  I don't want to be seen like this in front of Merida, or she'll tease me...but Elsa, she's too much!!!!  "Well, I'm glad."  Elsa smiled.  "Shut up."  I walked away from her, 

"A-re you going to the ball of the Golden Kingdom, by any chance?"  She asked me, "Why?"  "It's nothing...."  She looked away, "Ye-yeah.  We are, but don't think we're friends, Queen Elsa."  

"But I feel that....Jack has some...."  "You're sibling has some what?!"  I asked.  "Feelings."  She spoke, "For who?"  I raised an eyebrow, "You dense man, Merida!"  She shouted, "Wait, what?!"  I tried to grab her by 

her neck but she blocked it using her arms, my heart skipped a beat.  "I'm sorry."................"Feelings, that's ridiculous??!!"  I shouted, "But...we can't stop that."  Elsa was calm about it, 

"Why are you so calm about this situation?"  I asked her.  "I don't know....should I be happy or shocked..  Jack has some feelings and he will be king soon in a kingdom."  Elsa said.  .........................................................

"That's impossible..."  I looked away, "Yeah, who're king by the way, Elsa."  I asked her.  "No one.  I just became Queen so I can rule the kingdom for my siblings, of course.  Why?"  I asked.

My heart skipped a beat and it was fast, "No-nothing..."  >.>  >//////>  "Are you blushing again?"  Elsa asked.  "N-no, how unpleasant, treating a king like me!!"  I acted mighty, "Hihiihhihihihihhihhiiihihihiii."

I heard Merida's laugh from somewhere.  "I gotta go now.  Forget that this all happened."  I said to Elsa.  "Bu-but."  She didn't continue, she dissaproved of my words, but I don't know why.  This is for Merida and that's it.

~~'ELSA'S P.O.V'~~

Forget all about what happened?.............But I can't because......I think....I li--like....yo--you...  My heartbeat was faster and it feels that I'm troubled...but I'm troubled about my feelings....

What should I do?


CHAPTER END <3  Teehee~  ;)

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