~~'MERIDA'S P.O.V'~~
Just walking around, inside the palace. "Merida, be sure to study for your lessons. Your coronation will come soon." Hans reminded me but I got a little pissed when I heard his words,
"Occhh!! Will you stop reminding me!! All I ever do here is study, you never let me go out of this palace!!!" I ran away and headed straight for my room, I slammed the door as I closed it back, and locked the doorknob, and ran to my bed. I scratched my head because it's a habit I can't remove when I'm mad, "I wish I can get out of this stupid palace!!!!!! Hans all ever does is making me study until I have my stuuuupid coronation and until I get married!!! UUhhh!"
I grabbed my sword, and started swinging around and the pole got cuts that I always do so it can calm me down.
But I got bored and let the sword go, and I just sat down getting uncomfortable. I let out a sigh, "Haaahhhh~ When can I get out of here? I want to see the outside world.... But there are enemies outside, they might kidnap me and start a war. " I went to the balcony, and looked at the whole kingdom, they looked peaceful and happy. The parties with lively dances and soldiers having fun, drinking beer every night.
"Hans is right, I can't start a war......That would look bad."
I looked at the whole kingdom and I keep thinking. Then I had a very idiotic idea, I walked up to my brother's room, I knocked, "Come in!"
I walked right through the door, "Can I go outside the palace!!!!!" "No." A straight no from my brother, I keep bugging him, "Ohhh! Come on, how can I learn when I don't know anything about the outside world?"
I asked, "That's......You can read them in books at the library." "No, I need to see them with my very own eyes, so I can learn easily." I smirking in the inside, I trapped him!!! Then he looked at me,
"Well, just this once, and you can never go out again." I heard his words and I ran outside the palace in a dash, "AANGUUS!" I called my horse, Angus and came to me neighing and I heard his hooves saying clippity-cloppy. I patted his back and got my bow and arrow, and grabbed a green apple from the fruit basket back at the dining room. The guards opened the gate and waved at me goodbye,
I waved them back, and I made a big smile, the world is waiting outside. "But wait, how do I get to the town?" I asked to myself and Angus just kept moving forward, "Well, it doesn't matter, I'm outside!!!"
I saw a target, That's where my target was, when me and my brother were kids, I kept targetting for the bullseye, "Let's see if my archery skills are still good." I targeted for the bullseye as I pulled the arrow, with my hand pulling the string and Angus still moving, "Hyaah!!" I let go of the arrow and I hit the bullseye, "Woohooooo!" I shouted through out with my mighty yell.
You have never seen a princess like me.
~~'JACK'S P.O.V'~~I was still sleeping until I felt that someone was rocking me side to side, "HEY JACK, LET'S BUILD A SNOWMAN!!!!" I heard Anna, and she was still bugging me, "Later..." I groaned.
"Awww...." She then rocked me back and forth, I opened my eyes, "Okay, okay.. As soon as I eat breakfast, we'll build a snowman." I stood up and Anna came with me to the dining room and I saw my big sister, Elsa.
"Good morning, Jack and Anna, now eat your breakfast since I heard Anna wanting to build a snowman with you." "It's still summer, why do we have to build a snowman this season?"
I asked as I scratched my hair, "This is the Frozen kingdom, after all, Jack." Elsa said and I sat down waiting for the butlers to arrive with our food. I'm Jack Frost, and I have two sisters, my big sister is Elsa Frost, she is the queen of this kingdom since our parents or the previous queen already died, only one can be a ruler, so I can't be king yet, so it means I'm a prince,
I haven't had my coronation yet, so I'm the oldest prince being 19 years old, while my little sister Anna, is different from us two. Elsa and I have ice powers, while Anna doesn't have, that's why we limit our powers because she's the most precious sibling we need to take care of. If we just use our powers willy-nilly, then there's a chance that our ice powers can kill her.
The butlers arrived and today's breakfast was pancakes, "Yippee! Pancakes!" Anna got her knife and fork, an Elsa handed her the butter and syrup, "Here you go, Anna." She put the butter on top of the pancake and poured syrup, the butter melted with the hot syrup, and she cut the pancake, "Be careful, it's hot." I reminded her and she blew it. And ate the pancake, and she made a smile, "Yummy, you need to eat yours, so we can play together." Anna said and we all laughed, and ate our breakfast happily.
After eating, I promised Anna in making a snowman, "I'll go play with you two." Elsa said and we went outside together. We built a snowman, it has a carrot for a nose then Elsa clapped her hands.The snowman started moving and it's eyes appeared, and started walking and had a big buck tooth for his mouth. "Hello, I'm Olaf, and I love warm hugs!" He said while Anna's eyes were sparkling and hugged Olaf, Elsa smiled and I smiled too.
It's winter here but what's outside the gate? "Hey, Elsa, could I go out for a while, I want to see the outside world." I asked her then she looked away, with her smile turning to a frown, "What's wrong?" Anna asked and Olaf hugged Elsa, "It's nothing, there are enemies outside those walls, and I can't let you see them." She said with a scared tone.
I patted her back, "It's okay, I won't make any trouble." I smiled and she smiled back, She nodded, "Just this once. Don't make any trouble, okay?" I grabbed my staff and started flying away,
"WOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!" I was outside of the castle gates and started looking down at the ground with my shadow following me, "Hyyaaah!" I heard someone's shout and I tried to found it to where it echoed to.
As I walked down to the ground, my staff freezed some of the trees branches, "Oops." I smirked then I heard a horses neighing and the hooves stepping on the ground, I walked nearer until I reached the forest,I crawled down and hid behind the bushes, and as I opened the bushes with the leaves falling, I saw a girl with hair, like the color of fire and curly strands, she had fair skin and a medium build body, her face has freckles splashed on her face, and her eyes were light blue, color of the blue sky. "Who's there?" She looked at my way, and I felt busted right now.
I stood up and went nearer to her, and she pointed an arrow to me, "Wooah, there, I'm not hurting you." I raised my hands aligned to my shoulders, "Who are you?" She glared at me and she kept pointing me wherever I go, "I'm Jack Frost." Then she put down her bow, she reached out her hand and we made a handshake, "I'm Merida Dunbroch" Then she walked away, moving forward going to the town."Where are you going?" I asked. "I'm lost and I'm trying to find the town." She said, How could she find the town. I flied to her and she got surprised, "What are you?!" She pointed back her bow,
"I can fly, and I have ice powers." Then she looked at me with a weird face. "Okay?" "By the way, I know where the town is, let's go there together." I reached my hand and I pulled her up.
"Well, okay......Thank you." She smiled at me and she rode her horse, I guided her while I'm flying, "Race you there!" I said and flied faster moving forward, "HEY!!!" She shouted and the horses pace was getting faster than I thought...
After our race, we reached the town.

Icy heart (Jarida fanfiction) (Discontinued)
FanficTwo empires; Flame kingdom and the Frozen Kingdom, rivals fighting for power. Han's sister, Merida escaped from the palace and tried to get some freedom for a while, however Elsa's brother, Jack met her. They soon had feelings from their first me...