Chapter 7

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Dear Newt,

I must admit I was worried when I read that your mother got into a fight, I do hope she is not hurt.

The whole incident with your mother's Hippogriffs has puzzled me, I do not think that your Ministry has the power nor the authority to remove those Hippogriffs from you mother's care. The President gave us a day off to take a break from the missing Graves case, so I spent the day reading Ministry law files on the protection of magical creatures. I discovered some very interesting facts.

First, according to section B clause 83 of the ministry law book, any methods of magical creature warcraft must belong to the ministry of magic. That is unless the magical creature is endangered or serves some purpose to the magical community. Which means if your mother's herd can prove that they make a difference in the magical community for the better, then by law of the Ministry they must be kept where they are.

I'm sure you will be able to come up with a clever idea on how to do that, you have this admirable trait to see the best in creatures and people even when they don't see it themselves, I believe in you Newt.

I am glad that the party was not a bore for you, and I am glad that you had someone there to keep you company. Parties are much more enjoyable when you have someone there to talk to.

I have heard about your friend Dumbledore, he did magnificent things for the wizarding world in England. A very skilled wizard I heard from the President. He sounds like a very interesting man and I will be happy to talk with him whenever he pops by New York.

To be frank I don't know much about Christmas traditions either, I would be happy to explain more about my traditions when you return to New York if you could tell me about yours.

A Dreidel is a little four-sided spinning top with Hebrew letters on each side, each person takes turns spinning the Dreidel and gets at least ten pieces of chocolate coins.

If the Dreidel lands on a Nun, you don't get any chocolate coins

if it lands on Gimmel you take all the chocolates

He is you get half the chocolates

and Shin means you must put one chocolate coin back into the pile.

After each turn you must put one chocolate piece into the pile. Whoever has the most chocolate coins by the end of the game wins.

So far this year the score is Me 45 and Queenie 42, but she's been practicing, I need to step up my A game if I have any chance of winning the annual Goldstein Dreidel competition.

Help. Of course how could I have missed that! Newt Scamander you are a genius! I would have never noticed that without your help so thank you, I feel like we're really making a breakthrough!

I am pleased that you like the pocket watch I have sent you, i was Hanukkah shopping in a No-Maj store last week and it caught my eye. It felt like it was just drawing me towards it with a powerful magical force. And once I picked it up I knew it would make the perfect holiday gift for you.

Thank you so much for the necklace Newt, it is beautiful and I'll treasure it forever.

Good luck with the Hippogriffs, and tell your mother I wish her well,

Tina Goldstein

Tina bit her lip as she re read the letter for the final time, "You think it's okay?" she asked her sister.

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