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Next morning I was talking to my best friend Kaya ,I asked on a normal tone who the boy was that I saw yesterday .She said that his name was Chace , funny name (it means hunter) .She said that he is a new student and that from today he’s going to be in our class.”Great I thought an another distraction” ,it was already bad because Erik sat in front of me .he’s the captain of the soccer team ,he’s loud during classes and he annoyed me(Jade is my name if you’re wondering that ) .

The bell rang time for class ( and Chase) .When we were all sitting our teacher Ross came forward and introduced Chase to the class a few girls were drooling ,okay he wasn’t an ugly guy but please he’s not the next Alex Pettyfer or something. And of course there was it the teacher just need to put him in the only left seat open and that was next to me .I dropped my pencil and wanted to pick it up but now there he sat with my pencil in his hands and with those eyes that looked so beautiful to me .Scared as I was I looked at his chest trying not to get lost with my mind again .I said thanks to him and turned around .He was laughing .(Jade's toughts "What was his smile beautiful")

Aaah , so annoying like he wasn’t already mean to everybody he also thought that he could get any girl in school .That was my conclusion after talking to him and seeing him bully other kids .

My conclusion : i will never like you Chase Skriver but why do I keep thinking about him ?

Finally the last class almost over then I can go home .I had one of the tuffest days and it was only one day with him .I met Kaya on the way home .

“So what do you think of Chase ?”she asked

“Aah, don’t talk about him anymore the a** he annoyed me all day long !”

“Really ,he’s not so bad I think”

“O, really so he was nice when he scolded that first grader out because he was in front of his locket ?”

“okay, I get it he’s not the nicest guy on school, but you got to admit he’s HOT don’t you think?”

“What kaya don’t say that you’re just that stupid like the other girls !”

“Do, you know what I think Jade ?”

“no, what?”

“You like him”

“What are you nuts didn’t I just tell you that he’s a jerk?”

“yeah it always tarts like this in love affairs before you know it you’re his.”

“yeah ,right “ and she blushed unwilling.


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