chapter 3.2

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I was taking a bath ,because I thought that I would be relaxed.But no ,I was thinking about what Chase said .

Jade’s mind:

“Did you thought he was serious about it ?”

“No, it can’t be true beside he said it was a joke right?”

“Yes, but maybe it was what he was thinking before you were so rude to him!”

“That guy in love with me?!, don’t make me laugh .And anyways he deserved it !”

“Yeah but maybe I went a little overboard ?”

“And bye the way he wouldn’t see anything in me ,everybody thinks that I’m a freak anyways”

“Or maybe he has a good side maybe he isn’t the a**hole you think he is?”

“A good guy?”

“Well maybe not a good guy but a bad boy with a good side.”

“That can be true he picket my pencil up and sometimes he’s helping me at class”

“And I was wondering why he was smiling at me in class for like the whole day.”

“Maybe I need to be nicer to him than maybe he will be nicer to others to ?”

“Maybe, I will see tomorrow.”

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