9-|in real life|

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Hadley sat on the couch in her L

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Hadley sat on the couch in her L.A. penthouse apartment with her phone in her hands. She laughed along to a conversation she was having with Crystal about Teen Wolf. The two actresses hit it off immediately when they met at the very first table read of the show and they had been best friends ever since.

Yeah, she was extremely close with the other girls of the show, and even the men/boys. But, Crystal was easily her number one best friend. There was no question about it. They got along great from the very beginning. They had so much in common, there was never a dull moment when the two of them got together.

A knock on her front door drew Hadley away from what was happening on the little screen in front of her. She looked over her shoulder, letting her long brunette locks fall off of her shoulder. The knock came through again, so, she dropped her feet to the floor and pushed herself to her feet.

She fixed the black tank top she wore as she walked over to the door, as the knock came again. "I'm coming, I'm coming," she called out as she reached for the handle. She peered through the peephole of the door and grinned widely when she saw who was standing on the other side.

She pulled the door open and tackled him in a hug. "Tyler!" she giggled.

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her a little closer to him. She'd be lying if she said she didn't feel the butterflies in her stomach as the two of them hugged. She'd had a crush on the man for the last several years, probably since meeting him.

However, she'd never actually tell him. She was a few years younger than him and he only saw her as a best friend, anyway. Sure, they played star-crossed lovers on Teen Wolf, but they were best friends in real life.

Even if Hadley felt like she wanted something more.

"What brings you over here, Ty?" Hadley asked as she released herself from the hug. She led the taller man into her apartment and then shut the door behind him, locking the deadbolt.

"I have some news of my own, but I figured I'd only tell you and the cast," he explained. "I want to surprise the fans."

She turned to him, furrowing her eyebrows curiously, until she saw the smile that spread across his face. Her eyes widened and a squeal escaped her lips. "Wait! Is Derek returning, too?!" she exclaimed.

Tyler laughed and nodded his head. "Yeah, I figured since Colton was coming back and Dylan was coming back, why not return myself."

Upon seeing her eyes widen even more, he deduced that she hadn't known about Colton or Dylan's return to Teen Wolf. "But...you didn't know that. Did you?" he asked, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment.

A loud screech escaped the woman's small body and Tyler flinched at how loud it was, laughing lightly to her reaction. "COLTON AND DYLAN ARE COMING BACK, TOO?!" she cheered loudly, throwing her arms in the air in excitement.

Tyler laughed at her some more and enjoyed watching her skip around her living room. She couldn't contain her happiness. Her family was getting back together again for a final hoo-rah and she wasn't about to hide how excited she was.

"This is literally the best day of my entire life, ohmyGod," she giggled, finally plopping down on her couch. "How come no one told me?!"

Tyler shrugged. "Honestly, I thought Jeff would've at least told you that he was talking to all of us about returning," he explained to her.

Hadley's bottom lip jutting out in a pout and Tyler couldn't help but think about how cute she looked. He chuckled softly at her and she reached out to take his hand. She dragged him closer to the couch and he sat down beside her.

"Jeff didn't say anything. He probably didn't want to get my hopes up," she explained to him. She shrugged nonchalantly as she tucked her legs underneath her butt on the cushions of the couch. One of her arms was draped across her stomach and the other rested on the back of the couch as she faced Tyler. "I almost said no to him when he asked me to make a few cameos in season five," she admitted to him.

Tyler cocked his head to one side as one eyebrow raised in curiosity. "Why?" he questioned.

She shrugged again. "The fans were right: what's Bexley without Derek?" she answered him. He chuckled lightly, but she was being serious, and he knew it. "Seriously, it felt weird to be on set without you, Ty. It was weird to play Bexley without Derek coming around every corner to fuck up her life or get on her every last nerve." She giggled lightly.

Suddenly, she grabbed her phone from the coffee table and opened up the Teen Wolf male group chat, sending a mass text to her best friends. "Colton and Dylan are about to get an earful, I swear," she said, making Tyler laugh at her again.

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