chapter 3

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Leia's pov

I woke up and did my usual. I walked to school with Logan and Rachel. When we got to school we had to wait outside because we got there early.

"Look you don't wanna hang out with them." Logan says pointing at luke James theo John and Dylan.

"Ok anything else I need to know." I ask

"Oh and don't mess with those 2 girl. She's Maggie and the other one is Katy." Rachel says

"Oh ok that's easy just don't talk or make contact with them." I say

"Yup." They both say

"So tell us what's it's like in California like did you have a boyfriend." Rachel asks

"Its great there the beaches amazing and I did have a boyfriend. His name was Ashton and he was amazing and sweet and handsome." I say thinking about how much I miss Ashton.

"What do you mean 'was'." Logan asked

"We decided to break up because long distance relationship are hard." I say tearing up a bit.

"Oh sorry." They both say

"Its fine." I say

Luke's pov

"So did you buy them?" I ask james

"Yea I did you owe me 20 dollars." He says

"Hand me one." I say as he handed me a cigarette

*phone rings* l=luke m=Maggie

L= Hello
M=Hey babe
L=I told you Maggie were over
M=but I still love you
L=no Maggie I have my eye on someone else
M=who is it? Is it ally
L=no Maggie just leave me alone I don't have feelings for you.

I hung up before she could say anything else.

"So who's the girl you have your eye on." Theo asks

"Can't say." I say

"Well I have my eye on that new girl leia I think her name is." Theo says

"What no I want her." I say

"Too bad she gonna be mine." Theo says

" whatever" I say

Leia's pov

"Theo just keeps eyeing you up and down leia." Logan says

"Whatever remember he's bad news." I say

"Oh yeah." Logan says

"Wait why is he coming over here."Rachel asks

"Umm i don't know." I say

"Hey." Theo says

"Hi?"I say

"What do you want." I ask

"Your number." He asks

"What no way." I say

"C'mon I can treat you like a princess." He says

"No thanks I've heard bad things about you." I say

"C'mon babe just give me a chance." He says begging

"Fine." I say giving him my number

He walks away

"Wtf leia what happened to he's bad news." Rachel says

" I know that's why I gave him the wrong number." I say

"Smart." Logan says

We all laugh

*school starts*

First period is the worst we have to sit in the same spot we sat in yesterday. Ughh

"Hey princess what happened to our thing."Luke asks

"What thing we never had a thing." I say

"Yea we did and our thing is special and you can't be giving ur number out to any guys." He says


"Leia tell the answer." The teacher says

"Umm...." I say

"It's 24." Luke says

"Um.... 24.." I say

"Good job have a seat please." The teacher says

" I think I deserve a thank you." He says

"Fine thanks." I say

"Oh and you owe me one so I'll pick you up on Friday at 7:30pm for our date ohh and dress nice please." He says as the bell rings.

Ughh he has such perfect timing.

I walk out to see logan and Rachel.

"Guys I think I have a date." I say

"Omg when what what are you gonna wear." Rachel says

"Friday and I don't know." I say

"Oh and with who?"Logan asks

"I'm with luke." I say

"WHAT"they yell

" What how." Logan asks

"He gave me an answer to a question the teacher was asking and he said I owed him one and he was like a date." I say

"Please tell me you don't like him." Rachel says

"I don't." I say

"Good." She says

The bad boy lukeia (lost and found music studios) Luke And LeiaWhere stories live. Discover now