chapter 1

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Leia's pov

High the place everybody makes their most memorable moments. I'm leia im 17 which means I'm in 12 grade. My life's great im rich popular the captin of the  cheerleading and not to mention I was dating the hottest boy in school. Until my dad got a job in new york we had no other choice but to move although i was excited to go shopping there i was pretty upset about leaving everyone i loved in California. I have to admit it's hard saying goodbye to your friends but like my mom always says change is good I'm not sure this one is.

Last day in California

"I'll miss you so much Kelly." I say to my best friend.

"Leia please don't cry or else I'll cry." Kelly said to me

"I'll try." I say hugging her

"Sweetie hurry up a bit or else we will be late for our flight." My mom said while checking if we had everything in the car.

"Ok." I say

"Ashton I'll miss you." I say crying to my boyfriend or should I say ex boyfriend. We decided to break up because long distant relationships are hard.

"I'll wait for leia." Ashton says

"No Ashton no please don't wait for me who knows when I'll be back." I say still hugging him

"Fine but I'll always remember what we had I love you." He says

"I love you too." I say

"Alright leia wrap it up." My dad says

I give Ashton one last kiss before getting in the car.

I get in the car and wave. They wave back. I Wipe my tears away and think about what's it's like in New York whether I'll make friends or not. When we got to the airport I fell asleep on the plane.

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