Part 7

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Heeeey! I'm not dead! (Yeah, finally updated it. I'm really, really sorry for such a long wait) I don't have anything to say, cause there wasn't any serious reason not to write. Sorry guys.
So, there's the plot twist I promised:)

She was late.
Ladybug couldn't explain why, but she was late for the last few patrols, and now she's only escaping from her house, even though patrol has started 15 minutes ago.
Running on the rooftops, young super heroine was trying to make a believable excuse. It has never been her strong side, so she's been miserably falling.
Reaching the meeting spot she quickly looked around, confused, since Chat wasn't there.
Or so she thought.
"It's nice to finally see you there, LB"
She turned around, smiling nervously at him. Young hero felt guilty, so she hasn't even noticed his smirk.
"Uh... sorry I'm late again, it's just..."
But before she could finish her sentence, he took her hand, smirking flirtatiously:
"You're still on time to be my Lovebug" at that, Chat kissed the back of her hand, winking.
Ladybug just rolled her eyes and groaned quietly, taking her hand back. He never stops.

"M'lady, wait!"
She turned around, raising an eyebrow:
"What's that, kitty? Something's wrong?"
"No, no, the thing is... " he rubbed the back of his neck, searching for right words, "Well... I just wanted to ask... Can I at least know your name?"
But before she could have answered, he continued:
"Look, I know how much this secret identity thing means to you, but think about it, Paris is a big city and there's—"
"No, Chat, it still too risky. What if we can figure each other by the name?"
He sighed.
"I know... I just don't understand why would it be wrong to know each other in real life too?" Blonde turned his gaze away to the city below them.
"Chat..." she softly called, reaching for his shoulder.
The black cat smiled sadly at her, turning back to the view then.
She followed his gaze, sighing. But what if he's right? What if this is really no harm in knowing each other?
But she knew she was not ready, she wasn't sure about his reaction for Ladybug being his Princess...
On the other hand, she wanted to know to, so maybe if she...
"Okay, you can know my real name, if it's what you really want to"
Chat started at her for a few seconds unbelievably, but then a huge grin crossed his face and he took her in a bear hug.
"Thank you, you can't imagine how much it means to me!"
She smiled a bit to herself at that, hugging him back. Ladybug wasn't feeling so sure about it already.
After letting her go, he even took a step back, to see her face better. She was worried, he knew it.
"I can go first, if it'll be easier for you"
She raised her eyes on him, silently thanking.
Young heroine was left speechless. What? Did she heard it right? Was she imagining things, or did Chat really just said that his real name was Adrien?
Could it be... No. It would have been too good to be true, no. (But it's a 'yes'!)
"M'lady? You okay? Is... my name too awful for your beautiful ears?" He half-jokingly asked, being as nervous as she was deep inside.
"Wha–? No! No, it's not that... Uh... Never mind, everything's fine. I like that name"
'Or, perhaps, the holder' Tikki teased in her head, referring to both Adrien and Chat. (Little AN. Just so you don't get confused, I like the theory of the kwami and holder speaking to each other in mind, while transformed, because the bond between them is stronger then ever)
Young heroine chose to ignore her little friend's teasing.
"You sure? You look a bit out of it?" reaching for her hand, he stoped himself in the halfway, not sure if he was allowed to do it.
She was touched by his concern, and even took his hand in hers, but he didn't have to worry. She was okay.
"I'm sure, don't you worry" she smiled.
Smiling back, he suddenly pulls her closer, but not too close, for her relief.
"And you are..?"
She took a deep breath and sighed:
It was the moment when silent felt over the two again. They were just standing on a rooftop, looking each other in the eyes, trying to find the answers to the endless sequence of questions. Who they were? Did they know each other? Are they who they think they are? (Yes!)
Until a beeping sound was heard.
"You have to go, you only have five minutes"
"You too"
They turned around to leave, when...
"See you tomorrow on patrol?"
She smiled at him:
"Of course".

Those Nights / Miraculous Ladybug fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now