Chapter One

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     The doorbell jingled as Austin made his way into the small café, dimly lit by small lights hanging from the ceiling. It had a homely feeling, and he almost couldn't help the pleasant sigh that escaped his lips.

Ben's Place mainly served coffee, but sometimes when the manager had stayed up late watching tutorials on YouTube, he'd make a small batch of pastries as well. Ben was the owner -hence the name- and he had opened the small shop for his wife, who had always wanted a nice place for people to come and relax.

That had been years ago, and cancer had slowly drained her of her life until Ben and Susie's Place, became just Ben's.

Austin couldn't help but admire how much thought they had put into the shop though; from the shelf of books to the small CD rack in the corner. All that Ben asked was that the customers wear headphones, so the people that wanted to read, could do so in silence.

Austin liked to take the morning shift, since that meant he could walk through the park as a shortcut and watch the sunrise. Sometimes, he'd come early and bring bread for the ducks at the small pond in the center of the park.

He went back to the employee's break room and opened his locker, taking out a dark apron and tying it around his waist. The other employees weren't there yet, but that was fine with him. All that meant was that he had some time to talk to Ben before his shift started.

"Hey, Ben? Have you seen Mike yet?" Austin went over to the office and peeked his head in slowly. Ben glanced up at him and shook his head.

Austin nodded, noticing that he was on the phone and he went out to the front of the store, flipping the sign to 'Open'.

Then, Mike walked in, along with Cathy and Zack. Mike politely nodded at him and Cathy and Zack gave him odd stares as they all went back to the break room to get ready.

Austin wasn't exactly a person, he tended to keep to himself since having friends always proved to be too much drama. Mike he had known since kindergarten, and he was Austin's closest and only friend.

Mike came out in a apron and walked over to the registers, where he usually stood every day. Zack and Cathy handled making the coffee, while Austin waited tables. Mike chuckled and glanced back at the break room, leaning over to Austin.

"Zack and Cathy are getting chewed out by Ben for making out in the break room."

Austin couldn't help the small chuckle he let out as he heard Ben's voice carry over into the shop. Zack and Cathy came out a moment later, blushing as they walked back to the kitchen area to start work.

"Hey, Austin, Do you know if those two are soulmates?"

Austin rolled his eyes right as a costumer walked into the shop. He didn't really care about soulmates and all that junk. The world was fine how it is, black and white. Mike chuckled and the person practically ran up to the counter, making Mike jump slightly and Austin flinched.

"Does this place sell coffee?!"

The short man stared wide eyed at Mike, tapping his thumbs quickly.

"Um...Yes." Mike glanced at Austin wearily and he shrugged. The man jumped up and did a fist pump. "Yes! I Soooo need a good coffee right now!" Mike chuckled and rested his chin in his hand, leaning against the counter. "Anything you had in mind?"

The man froze and stared up at the menu for about five minutes before leaning forward with a very serious face. "Which drink has the most sugar?" Mike laughed and yelled back towards the kitchen, "Hey Zack! If you and Cathy aren't too BUSY, we need a Unicorn Frappé up here!"

Austin heard Zack say a small 'Screw you fag' before turning his attention back to Mike and the jumpy customer. Mike had come out as gay about three months ago, and while he said that Zack was his friend, Austin couldn't help but noticed how much he teased him sometimes.

"That'll be $5.50" Mike sighed and glared back towards the kitchen before turning back to the customer; who was digging through a bright duct tape wallet.

He handed over the money, and after giving Mike his name, he headed over to a table and plugged some headphones into his phone.

"What's his name?" Austin glanced over Mike's shoulder at the cup, which read, 'ICUP'. Mike chuckled and Austin just stared at him completely confused.

"Spell it out Austin."


Mike doubled over in laughter and Austin sighed, aggravated. Mike took Zack the cup and Austin silently glared daggers at the small man over in the corner of the store.

As if he could feel his gaze, the man itched his back and turned over to look at him, confused. Austin's eyes widened and he awkwardly tried to play it off like he hasn't just been staring at him.

The man chuckled and turned back around, tapping his fingers on the table. Mike came back a moment later with the Frappé, handing it to Austin. 'Great..." He thought, slowly taking it and making his way over to 'ICUP'.

The man glanced up and smiled as Austin set the cup down. Austin turned around to leave and the man jumped up, running past Austin and even Mike, and into the kitchen.

Austin heard Zack and Cathy both yell before the man ran out and poked Mike on the face, frowning slightly. Mike grabbed his arm before he could rush off again and stared at him.

"What are you doing?"

"Making sure none of you are my soulmate! It's a big world you know, I gotta check as many people as I can!!"

Austin scoffed at him and rolled his eyes, crossing his arms and sighing.

"What's his problem?"

Mike gave a sympathetic look to Austin and turned back to the customer with a small smile.

"Austin...doesn't really believe in the whole soulmates thing. And even if he did, I think he'd just prefer to have monochrome vision all his life anyway." Mike chuckled towards the end, glancing back at Austin again and sighing.

The small man smirked and glanced over at him with curious yet evil eyes. "I wonder if Mister 'I'm so Emo the world is so blleeakk and I don't need anybody' is my soulmate?"

Mike's eyes widened and he tightened his grip of the man's arm, "He doesn't really like physical I don't think that's a very good ide-" The man cut him off, shaking out of his grip and jumping over the counter.

Austin backed up and eyed him cautiously as the customer approached him slowly.

Even if you touch your soulmate, unless it's skin to skin contact it probably won't work, so Austin liked to wear thick gloves and a mask.

The man backed him into a corner, and even though he was taller, the small man had an aura that made him seem much larger and intimidating than he actually was. Austin glared at him and tried to shove him off, only for the man to grab his hands.

For such a small guy, he easily overpowered Austin, and Mike started to nervously sneak up from the back.

"Hey...dude you should probably go..." Mike slowly touched the man's shoulder and the man turned around and gave him such an intense glare that he immediately let go and backed up a bit, sweating.

The man turned back to Austin who was staring at him with wide eyes and started to take off one of his gloves. Austin was frozen in place, and when the man finally got the glove off, he reached up and poked Austin's hand with his middle finger, winking.


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