Chapter 3

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Austin walked through the park quickly, trying to lose his extremely persistent soulmate and failing miserably. Not only was Fenton able to keep up with him easily, he could probably run faster than Austin as well.

'Stupid sugar-infused brat'

Fenton would not stop asking him questions, but Austin had refused to answer them so now he was more or less just talking to himself.

"Hey Grumpy, what's your favorite color?"

Austin glared down at him, but he just smiled back with wide eyes. "What did you just call me?" Austin stopped walking and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Grumpy. You are Mr. Grumpy Grumps." Fenton seemed extremely proud of himself.

"Since when are we close enough to have nicknames?"

"Since I said so. Plus, you're my soulmate, so chill out. The universe brought us together! We were destine to loveeee each other, whether you like it or not."

Austin glared down at him harshly, scoffing and running his hand through his hair.

"Soulmates? Buddy, I don't believe in soulmates. I'm never going to even like you, not in the slightest! Destiny can screw off because I hate you. I never wanted this, never wanted to you !! Just leave me alone!!"

Fenton stared up at him with wide, mismatched eyes that Austin had already grown to hate. He stormed off, leaving Fenton alone in the middle of the park.
Fenton looked down at his feet and chuckled, his eyes watering up. 'Of all the people...I got the ONE guy who doesn't believe!'

He started to cry as he tried to remember which way he had to take to get out of the park. He was so focused on Austin that he was now completely lost.

Austin took a shortcut through a small wooded area, quickly navigating through the small park. He was fuming his entire walk home. 'Who does he think he is, messing with my life like this? I shouldn't have to love anybody!'

He slammed the door to his house open, and set his keys on the kitchen counter.

He didn't have a large house, but it wasn't bad either. It had enough space for him and his cat, Harley. He had one bedroom and farther down in the hallway was his bathroom. His kitchen was connected to his living room and he was just now noticing that most of his furniture was black and white, which he was actually pretty happy about.

He sat down on the couch, sighing. Of course he felt bad about yelling at Fenton, 'at a stranger' he reminded himself. But there was nothing to be done about it now. He glanced over at the coffee table and slowly leaned forward, picking up the old photo of his parents.

'Being soulmates didn't stop her from cheating, huh dad?'

He got up, deciding that the best way to clear his mind right now would be to take a shower. He walked off to the bathroom and tried to close the door, only for Harley to try and squeeze through the door.

Austin chuckled and picked her up, petting her softly.

"I think I can do this on my own, thanks."

He put her outside the door, then stripped and got in the shower, turning it on. He jumped at the cold before turning the heat up, but then all hell rained down on his poor body and he turned the cold water back up.

When he was finally satisfied, he started to rub shampoo in his hair, humming quietly to himself. Then, he heard a knock at the door.
'What the hell...'

He got out of the shower with soap still in his hair and wrapped a towel around his waist. He walked down the hall to his front door and opened it quickly.


Austin stared wide eyed at eyes that almost matched his own wild pair. One was bright and wild green while the other was a dark purple. The only difference these eyes had to his own was that they were opposite to his. The green was on the right while his was on the left and his purple was on the right.

Fenton looked up at him sheepishly with slightly puffy red eyes.

"How the hell did you find my address?"

"Well...after I finally made my way out of the park, I walked back to the café and asked Mike."

Austin sighed and motioned for Fenton to come inside, which he did. Austin walked back to his bathroom and finished his shower while Fenton browsed through his TV channels.

When he came out (pfft gay joke lol) he wasn't very surprised to see Fenton sitting on the floor watching Looney Tunes. He was surprised however, to see Harley curled up in his lap, and him eating Austin's Lucky Charms.

"Okay dude one, don't touch my cereal," Austin snatched the box away from him and walked into the kitchen, placing it on top his fridge. "And two, usually Harley hates new people...what did you do to my cat?"

Fenton just smiled and scratched Harley's back, making her purr. "I don't know, I sat down and she just walked over and laid on me."

Austin sat down next to him cautiously and started to scratch behind Harley's ears. Fenton chuckled and stared him,
"You know, when you're not being grumpy you're actually kinda cute."

Austin looked up at him and sighed. "Whatever dude. Look, if you wanna be friends that's fine I guess. But I'm not your soulmate or whatever, those don't exsist."

Fenton nodded slowly and looked back down at Harley, scratching halfheartedly.

"Where are you gonna stay?"

"Uh...hello? Did you miss my introduction? Eccentric traveller, I don't have anywhere to stay."

"Ugh....jeez, fine just stay with me...only for until you can move out though."

Fenton stared up at him wide eyed and smiled brightly. He could probably blind somebody with how bright his smile was.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2017 ⏰

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