The Welcome Back Dance

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The next morning, when I opened my eyes, I wished I hadn't woken up. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Looking to the other bed in the room, I saw Hiccup wa alseep still. I got out of bed and got dressed into my normal attire. Blue, frosted hoodie and brown pants. I grabbed my staff and went to wake up Hiccup. He was shirtless, so I didn't get to close. Might seem weird.

I nudged him with the end of my staff. He jerked awake.

"Jesus Jack! That was cold!"

"What my staff, or me waking you up?" I laughed. He frowned.

"Both. What do you want." He moaned flopping back down onto his back and rubbing his eyes.

"Hello? School? Or are you dead now?" I said throwing a snowball at him.

"Oh my god, I hate you." Hic snapped and pulled himself out of bed. Laughing, I walked out of the room and straight into someone else.

"Hey watch it!"

"Sorry!" I stepped back to see Elsa. Her hair was still up in an updo and she was now wearing a navy dress to the floor that buttoned up to her neck.

"Oh my bad, um...hi." I rubbed the back of my neck and laughed nervously. Elsa giggled.

"It's okay." She smiled. Her smile made my heart miss a couple beats and my legs went all...strange. What the hell? "Jack? Are you okay? You look a In the cheeks." She placed her hand on my cheek tenderly. I looked into her eyes and she gazed into mine.

"I...I..." My voice trailed off. I edged closer to her, and I thought, for a bizzare second but she stepped back.

"I'll see you in Practial Magic Class." She whispered, looking down at the floor.

"Um, yeah. See you." I said and moved aside to let her past me. As she walked past she hugged her arms to her body and whispered,

"Conceal, don't feel."

Composing myself, I headed down for breakfast. In the Canteen was an array of breakfast things. I just grabbed an apple and went to sit at a table. I sat on the table with my feet resting on a stool. About 10 minutes later, Punzie, Merida, Hic and Elsa walked in. Punzie grabbed Pancakes and Merida and Hiccup both got some porridge. Where as Elsa settled for a banana.

"Hi Jack!" Punzie beamed when she saw me. I waved to her and contiued to eat my apple. £lsa sat down next Hiccup and I felt a hint of envy in me. I shook my head and dismissed it.

"So guys, did you hear about the dance?" Merida asked. Punzie looked up from her pancake.

"DANCE?! That means we can go shopping already! Ooh and dates!" She squealed, sneaking a hinting look at me. Oh god, I hated it how Punzie was Miss Popular and I was Mr Popular. Greeeat. I'll be expected to ask Punz.

"Oh god. Shopping." Merida groaned.

"You don't need a new dress to look beautiful, you always do anyway." Hiccup smiled at Merida and she blushed.

"Awh!" Merida giggled. I looked past them and saw Elsa at the end of the row. Her head was bent down and she was looking at her teal gloves. I stood up and sat next to her.

"You okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine." She said quickly, before standing up and walking away to our first lesson. I waved goodbye to everyone, getting a bear hug off Punzie, and followed Elsa.

"Elsa! Wait!" I called after her.

"Stay away, Jack. Punzie probably wants you right now." Elsa said and opened the door to the classroom.

Don't Wish ~ Elsa/Jack/Rapunzel ~ EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now