Ch. 1

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Annabeth POV

My day was going fine until he showed up.


Maybe I should give a bit more background before continuing.

I am a superhero. My "superhero name" is Athena because my superpower is my intelligence. I technically don't a have any powers, but I have an amazing memory, extremely keen observation skills (kind of like Shawn Spencer from Psych) and a brain full of all sorts of information.

Aqua-Boy on the other hand has actual superpowers. He can do pretty much anything with water. Control it, breathe in it, whatever. He is a fine superhero, don't get me wrong, but he's more of a super-nuisance when he gets in my way.

Back to the story.

I was trying to track a speedster super villain called Titan, who is practically my arch enemy, by catching and interrogating one of his associates. I had finally found one called Thief Lord that was robbing a bank. Just before he got in his getaway vehicle, I was going to cut him off and apprehend him.

With my luck, I should've known it wouldn't be that easy.

Just as I was about to stop the thief, Aqua-Boy showed up.

"Hey, Thief Lord! Water you doing with all that money?" Aqua-Boy shouted as he approached the bank entrance.

Did I mention he makes lots of bad puns?

"Get out of my way, boy. I don't have time for this." Thief Lord ran toward his van with the last bag of money. I took that as my cue to step in.

"Not so fast," I said as I jumped into the gap between Thief Lord and the van. Before I could make a move, Aqua-Boy shot a jet of water at Thief Lord, but the criminal saw it coming and barely jumped out of the way. Unfortunately, Thief Lord blocked my view of Aqua-Boy so I didn't know what was happening until I was knocked down by a torrent of water.


As Thief Lord jumped in his van and drove away, Aqua-Boy ran over to see if I was okay.

"Athena, are you alright? I didn't mean to hit you. I was aiming for Thief Lord."

Ignoring the pounding in my head from whacking it against the ground, I sat up and glared at the guy. "I'd be better if you didn't let Thief Lord get away!"

Aqua-Boy blushed and rubbed his neck. "I'm sorry, Athena. I was worried I hurt you."

I felt a little bad for yelling at the guy when he was just trying to help me, but he let the bad guy get away! "Just help me up," I grumbled.

As he helped me up, I looked him up and down and realized I'd never been so close to the young superhero. He had messy black hair, sea green eyes peeking out of a black mask and a toned body. His black and blue spandex suit almost made him look like a member of the Fantastic Four. The guy looked about my age and was actually pretty attractive. He smiled at me and said, "Maybe you could teach me a thing or two about crimefighting."

"No thanks. Just stay out of my way Seaweed Brain," I said as I walked away.

"Hey! I was just trying to be nice, Wise Girl!"

Percy POV

This girl is driving me crazy!

As I ran across the New York City rooftops back to my apartment, I thought about Athena. I had never really talked to her until now, but the first time I saw her was three years ago, just as I started my freshman year of college. She has curly blond princess curls and stormy grey eyes and wears a gray suit and mask to match her eyes. Did I also mention that she's super beautiful?

Anyway, I just wanted to be her friend, but she got mad at me! I was trying to help!

I shook my head as I climbed in my apartment window. Maybe Athena is the type of superhero that works alone. I hope she isn't. It would be super cool to be Athena's partner.

"Grover! Are you home?"

My roommate stuck his head in my bedroom. "Hey, Perce! From what I saw on the news, it looks like you didn't do too well at the bank."

"Yeah, Thief Lord got away, and I think Athena hates me."

Grover frowned. "That sucks, man. Don't you have a super-crush on Athena?"

I blushed. "No! I just want to get to know another hero!"

"You know Jason."

"He's practically retired right now. But speaking of Sparky, where is he?"

"Making dinner."

"Cool. I'll be out in a minute."

Grover left while I changed out of my uniform. I put on sweatpants and a t shirt before I hid my Aqua-Boy clothes under my bed (I know, not a very original hiding place). I walked into the kitchen and sat at the table where Grover and my cousin, Jason, were sitting.

"Hey, Percy. I just got back from a date with Piper, and she told me that she has a friend that she thinks you would like," Jason said as we started eating.

"Tell Pipes, no thanks. Beginning of my senior year of college plus crime fighting leaves very little free time."

Jason smirked at me. "Are you sure it isn't because you're in love with a certain blonde superhero?"

"I'm sorry to break it to you, Jason, but I'm not in love with you."

Grover laughed as Jason realized that I roasted him. "I meant Athena."

"Why do you guys think that I'm in love with Athena?"

"Maybe because you're always talking about how amazing she is," Grover said.

"She's a really good superhero!" I blushed.

My roommates rolled their eyes.

Getting frustrated, I said, "Fine. I'll meet Piper's friend. Does that make you guys happy?"

Jason smiled. "Yep! Piper is throwing a little party to celebrate completing our first week of our senior year of college on Saturday night. She'll introduce you then."

"Shit!" I exclaimed.


"I forgot school starts tomorrow!"

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