I Forgave You

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Sorry... that word coming from you made my ice cold heart towards you warm in a matter of seconds. That word coming from you made a frown that was implanted on my face for days turnt upside down shining brightly, my teeth no longer hidden behind my lips but instead they glisten towards any audience infront of me to see.

I tried talking to you, giving you my best advice, sharing with you quotes. Yet it still seems like they did nothing but make you feel sadder, more depressed. But yet what was I supposed to do?

Leave you alone?

Leave you by yourself?

You knew I was angry, I made it quiet obvious when all my responses we're just thumbs up,👍 and the reason you should've known or knew is because I took that from you, I learnt that from you. I learnt thumbs up emoji is never good in our language.

You knew I was angry that day and that word consisted of only four letters made me smile.

Yet again I forgave you. Even though you made me went to sleep angry, went to sleep upset. Even though my mind was telling me to text or call you. Even though my soul wasn't at peace.

We we're still friends, we still talked, laughed and acted like idiots just as we always do.

I forgave you.

Even if I had to gave you another piece of my heart.

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