Chapter 30

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Next Morning✨.
I slept on the couch last night cause the bed was wet from August dumb ass. I got up and went upstairs to brush my teeth. I looked in the mirror "August are you fucking kidding me." I said. He wrote dicks on my face. I clean my face and brushed my teeth. I walked in the room and he was sleep with the twins on one side and isley on the other. "you thought they were going to stop me from pranking you. Nice try buddy." I said low. I picked up the twins and put them in their beds. I went back and got isley. I put her in her bed and walked back to my room. I put on sweatpants and a hoodie with slides. I grabbed my keys and August's wallet. i left the house and drove to the store. I brought a candle and firecrackers. Went i got back home Khloe was awake" Hey Khloe." I said walking to the kitchen. "August wrote on my face." She said coming in the kitchen. "He wrote on mines too. That's why i went and brought fire crackers and a candle." I said. "What you going to do?" She asked sitting on the counter. "We are going to set the fire crackers off in the bed and light the candle later we going to pour the wax on him." I said smiling. "I love it. What about the babies?" She said. "I'll put them down here in the guest room." I said. "Okay let's do that first." She said. We went and got the babies. We put them in bed and put pillows around them. I put the baby monitor in there and close the door. "You think isley will be okay?" She asked. "Yeah she will sleep through loud noise." I said. We grabbed the firecrackers and went upstairs. We put them in the bed and lit them. We ran in the closet. They started popping and August jumped up and ran out the room. We followed him " Bruh yall fucking play so much." He said mad. "You started it." I said. "Bruh I'm done. Y'all took it to far." He said and went back in the room. "Yo this shit everywhere. You cleaning this shit." He said grabbing the blanket walking out the room. "Eww it do stink and it's foggy." Khloe said. We cleaned the room and then went downstairs. "August do you think you can take care of the twins by yourself?" I asked him. "Duhhhh it's not that hard." He said. "Im glad you don't think it hard. Cause you babysitting them for 4 hours. When they wake up change their diapers then feed them. Burp them after you feed them and give them a bath. Then put them back to sleep." I said. "Okay i got this." He said. Me Khloe and Isley left. We went and got out nails and feet done. On our way back August called me.
Kayla💗:Yes August?
August🙃💙:I need you to hurry up.
Kayla💗:What happened?
August🙃💙: I change their diapers and i was about to feed them but the top wasn't on all the way and spilled now they both sticky. They wouldn't stop crying and i just can't do this.
Kayla💗:I'm pulling up now.
August🙃💙:Thank God.
I hung up and got out the car. We walked in the house and it was quiet. " August?" I said. There was rose pedals on the stairs " What is going on?" Khloe said. "Right." I said. Isley ran upstairs" Daddy up here." She said. We went upstairs and when we walked in the room Bruno Mars Marry You was playing and August was on one knee. "Kayla from the first day i met you i have been dreaming of this day. You and my kids are my whole. I can't live without y'all. I hurt you so many times in so many way but now i'm on the right path. I love you Kay and i want to know. Will you marry me and become Mrs.Alsina?" He said. I wiped my tears "Yes." I said  and watched him put the ring on my finger. I kissed him" Congrats guys." Khloe said. "Thank You." I said. "Let me see." Khloe said. I showed her" Yes girl. Your ring is popping. August doing it big." She said. "Let me check on the twins." I said walking out the room. I went in the twins room and they were sleep. "Did you give them a bath?" I asked. "I did everything you told me too." He said. "Thank you." I said. i went to get my phone and called Kassie.
Kassie😝:Time out, WHAT
Kayla💗: August just proposed
Kassie😝:Ahhhhhh oh my god
Kayla💗: I'm so happy
Kassie😝:I'm happy for you.
Kayla💗:i feel like this all is a dream. Like i'm just loving everything right now
Kassie😝:You have 3 wonderful kids and a big head ass fiancé.
Kayla💗:I love it
Kassie😝: I bet.
Kayla💗:Well i'll talk to you later.
Kassie😝:Okay love you
Kayla💗:Love you too.
I hung up and texted Kya the news.
Kya❤️:Congrats Babe😘😝.
Kayla💗:Thank you😝.
i went downstairs and sat on the couch. Khloe was holding Liyah and Isaiah was laying next to her. I got up and picked up Isaiah. "little man." I said. "I know i'm only going to be able to hold my baby for a little bit but i just can't wait." She said smiling looking at Liyah. "I think you might be having a girl. You're in love with Liyah." I said. She looked at me with tears in her eyes" I'm scared." She said. I got up and sat next to her" Listen you have to live in the moment. Don't think about what you did in the past or what's going to happen in the future." I said. She laid her head on my shoulder "i'm trying but it's hard knowing that i'm going to died in less then a year is very scaring." She said. "I know but just try harder." I said. She wiped her tears" No more sadness." She said. I laughed " No more sadness." I said. August came downstairs with Isley" Can i hold Isaiah mommy." she said. "Yeha sit down." I said getting up. I gave her Isaiah and sat next to her. August sat next to Khloe and played with Liyah. I love this. I just had 2 twins now i'm getting married. Can my life get any better?!

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