Circling Thoughts

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             I'm stuck in a comfortable gaze as I look at him from the corner of my eye. My best friend is so sweet, he holds my heart and mind in his hands. Even though he will never know. Of course, I end up getting caught red handed. He lets out a soft chuckle, and a playful roll of his caring eyes. "And what do you think you are staring at hm?" He says with a silly grin on his face, I snap out of the sweet thoughts of him that will never be. I react by rolling my eyes playfully, "A very odd and strange human." I giggle softly at his sarcastic hurt expression.

           "You forgot very handsome too.." He smirks and I laugh loud, only to get a glare from him. "Anyways Terry what are you up to?" I slowly lean over onto him playfully peeking at his screen. I wiggle my eyebrows to see that he is editing, I look up at him still wiggling my eyebrows. "Are you done? Stop it, get some help." I sit up straight and laugh, he's so focused and passionate about what he does, I admire that about him.

          "No I'm not done. I will never be done, my job is to bother you forever." His eyes go wide for a second, showing playful fear. "Oh no oh no no no...No. I get up laughing a bit at how goofy he can be at times. "You aren't very funny you know." I giggle softly letting that lie show. He smirks and packs away his things. I watch him, almost falling into a hole of more sweet thoughts. 

           The thought of hugging him as tight as I could, hold his hand, place my head onto his chest to hear his sweet heartbeat forever, and the thought of...finally expressing my feelings to him. Nah I'm a whimp." I chuckle at my thoughts only to realise that he is already standing by the cafe door looking at me. "Well..Are ya gunna stand there all day, statue?" I look at him as his voice snatches me, and drags me away from the impossible sweet thoughts that always seem to pop up and fill my mind, freezing me in the moment. "Uh, I don't know maybe."

         I smirk and walk over to him. He holds the door open and I walk out thanking him, he nods and we stand there for what seems like 30 seconds before he pats me in the shoulder and smiles saying his goodbye. "I'll see you tomorrow, alright?" He raises his voice for me to hear as he walks away into the crowd of nightlife loving people. "Okay! Hug max for me!" He waves while disappearing. Once he is out of my sight I let out a long sigh. Once I'm all settled in at home I plop onto my bed, passing out out as soon as I hit the bed. Only to fall into another sweet dream about him. 

~Hi everyone I tried to keep this kinda short, I'm not sure on where exactly I'm heading with this short story, but I guess we'll find out along the way. I'm really not that great at writing, but I really want to get better. I will try my best to stay consistent with this. I feel like Terry deserves a lot of fan fics. So yeah.. I'll be an awkward chicken and say peace now. Uh buh bai! :D


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