Passionate (Prt. 1)

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~Hi everyone! I saw a few people that commented so, I shall continue! Oh! I also emailed Terry about the story. That was bold, I'm not really a bold person. I lowkey hopes he sees it but at the same time I'm scared. I chose this song for this chapter because it goes with the thoughts in her head, plus I'm in love with this song. Maxwells voice is so angelic, so if you get a chance you should really listen to it. I hope you'll enjoy.~

       It's the next morning, I wake up sighing knowing it's another day of bright sunlight. It's not a sigh of disappointment a smile can only spread across my face as I look to my right at the sunlight shimmering and peeking through the very slight space left in between each blind. I sit up stretching in bed, raising my arms to the air while putting my head back, I quickly try to wipe the slob that was dried a bit off of the side of my face, blushing of slight embarrassment, only to shrug it off because I'm human. 

        There is a buzz that could be heard right next to me, I look to my left nightstand where my phone rested upon from a long night's charge.  I grab my phone, turning it on and looking at the screen that has a picture of Boyoung, Terry,and I eating ice cream. Terry has a bit of ice cream on his nose, while Boyoung is laughing, as I'm about to wipe it off. I giggle at the memory, as travel back to it, my smile just can't leave my face.

        "Well guys we just got some ice cream, and those two are being slow pokes as always." Terry raised his voice at the word always, just to make sure we can hear him. He was doing a live stream while Boyoung and I were a bit behind him. Boyoung laughed and read the sweet, smart allic like, and funny comments out loud. "They said to stop leaving us you idiot!" Boyoung giggles at the hilarious comments. "Yeah stop leaving us!" I agree, as Terry laughs and turns his head to the side looking at both of us, and slyly flipping us both off. Boyoung replied with a sassy roll of her eyes and a giggle, as I pretended to be hurt.

        We see a man on stilts and Terry only repeats no and Boyoung walks us over to a seating area that is right across the man on stilts that terry obviously didn't like. We all sit together on a seat, with Terry in the middle, I ask a man to take a picture of the three of us. "Cmon guys pay attention-" Im cut off by Boyoungs laugh as I look to my right to see what was funny. I saw ice cream on Terry's nose, I tried to hold back a laugh as Boyoung cracked up, and Terry glared at the two of us. I failed, I began to laugh at him, "H-how did you even-" He looks at me, cutting me off. "Don't ask." He rolls his eyes. The man announces that he has to go, he gave me my phone back, I thank him and apologize to him for wasting his time. Once he leaves I look at my phone to find the picture, I smile big loving it, so I made it my homescreen, and lockscreen background.

          I sigh, remembering that memory just like it was yesterday. I smile at how cute he is, he soft chuckles and sweet personality. It's like I am on a constant loop with him. The thought of him drives me crazy. One second Im so happy, then another second Im funked up because reality decided to pop up and snatch my life from me. My phone does the odd sparkle ringtone,  I already knew who it was, because he set his ringtone himself.   

         I smile, and roll my eyes. "Helllllooo~" I say cheesing from ear to ear, because I get to hear his voice, but he doesn't know that's the reason why I'm smiling. I could hear his sweet chuckle through the phone, I practically melt. "Hmm I should ruin your morning for you, haha I can hear the smile in your voice,  anyways Max misses you. Are you still coming over?" I blush, trying my hardest not to smile, but of course I fail. "Yes I am, Mr. Snapback" I giggle, trying to keep my cool. "Funk you, I look bootylicious in my snapbacks, you're just jelly." I roll my eyes letting out a laugh. "Sure whatever, see ya in a bit. 

       " I get the idea to annoy him a bit, I quickly hang up on him before he can say anything else. I quickly received a text from him, " I know you didn't just hang up on me, no cuddles from Max for you the, boo boo." I roll my eyes laughing and I set my phone back on the nightstand. "I can't wait to see him." I say to myself, while doing a little twirl and I go to get dressed. 

~Hi everyone, I hope this chapter was good, I'm sitting in my room at the moment and it's so hot. So, I may be a little off but I tried. I hope you liked it. I'll see you soon for another chapter!~

~P.S. LISTEN TO THE SONNNNNG! Okay bai for now!~


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