Passionate (Prt. 2)

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~Hi everyone hehe I'm excited to do the second part of this chapter! Even though I have no clue what I'm gunna do. Haha, so I tweeted the fan fic to Terry. Hopefully he sees it and likes it. ~

   "Ouch! Boyoung calm thyself!" I hear Terry yell out while Boyoung giggles through the door. I snicker, assuming she hit him. I knock on the door softly three times, becoming more and more excited with each knock, a blush slowly creeps onto my cheeks just at the thought of his sweet smile. The blush was like a creeper in Minecraft, it decided to sneak up on me, then he opens the door and boom! My whole face is red now, as my eyes are glued on his smile. "Well are you coming in tomato?" He laughs, rubbing his arm where I assume Boyoung hit him. Once he stops rubbing his arm I slyly hit in the same exact spot Boyoung did, walking past him to hug Boyoung. As I hug Boyoung, Terry rolls his eyes shutting the door and shoots us another glare. 

    We giggle innocently, as Max runs out I smile really big and get down on my knees, picking him up cuddling him. "Max! Awe baby so cute, yesh you are!" Terry takes Max away,and laughs giving Max back to me when I pout. As I go back to cuddling Max, Boyoung grabs her new makeup brushes and smiles big. I raised an eyebrow in confusion, and curiosity. "Ummmmm So what is it that I don't know about?" I say,looking at a skeptical Terry, and a way too excited Boyoung. "She is going to put-" He is quickly cut off by a bouncing Boyoung. "I'm gunna put makeup on his face for my channel!" I let my laugh that I was holding back, slip out into the air. I cover my mouth thinking of sweet Terry having his face beat. He throws a pillow at me. I giggle, going back to cuddling Max. As they get ready to make the video. 

          I stare at Terry, the sweet thoughts running through my head once again, as I watch him help Boyoung set up. Once the yelling and, and complaining from Terry ends, its a bit silent as Boyoung is placing highlighter onto him. I couldn't hold it back so I yell, "That highlight is the bomb booboo! Terry you look bootyful!" I laugh as Boyoung smiles big laughing and Terry sits there glaring. "I didn't need this makeup to be bootyful, I already am. Actually, Im sexay!" He says, while playfully flipping his imaginary weave. A bit later they wrap up the video, and I start to wonder why Terry is a prettier girl than I am. 

       We all sit down together on the couch, watching a movie. I have no clue what it is, but I kind  of like it. My head is resting on his shoulder,while the three of us sit there comfortably. The sweet thoughts being to fill my head yet again. Just staying here in this spot, just like this forever, the warmth of his body, so comforting, and his smell, so sweet. I close my eyes blushing, until I am knocked out of my thoughts by Boyoung dragging me to to Terry's room. "W-woah Bo, slow your roll!" I yell as I stumble behind her. She closes the door quickly, and stares at me for a second with a weird smirk on her face. 

      "When the hell are you going to tell him? Its driving me crazy, watching you get scared like a puppy every time he is around." She says, and points to a sleeping Max on Terrys bed when she says puppy. I begin to blush again, thinking positively about telling him, then those sweet, very sweet thoughts are replaced with negative, and sour thoughts. I let out a long, and depressing sigh, " When the time is right...Right now is not the right time. It will come up soon though." I look at Boyoung, as she nods, understanding. "I just want you to stop thinking on it, and actually act on it girl." I nod, smiling weakly, agreeing with her. I know she is right, I'm just too afraid to do it right now. I will though! Just when the time is right. She pulls me into a tight, and caring hug, then she walks back out sitting on the couch going back to watching the still unknown movie. I plop back down onto the couch next to Terry. 

        "Hey is everything okay?" I smile reassuringly, making sure he knows everything is Gucci. He nods, and I lay my head back onto his shoulder continuing to watch the movie. "What are you passionate about?!" The actor yells at the woman walking to him in the movie. "You! I have always been so passionate about you!" She yells back to him. Those two lines from the characters in the unknown movie only makes me think. He is so passionate about his friends, fans, his job, family and everything else. I'm so passionate about him..

~Hi everyone on Passionate is done, I hope everyone is ready for the next chapter, I had a bit of writer's block in this one, so I hope its good. Alright! Good night! See you all soon!~


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2017 ⏰

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