Part 8

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guys don't forget to follow my insta @autumn_catt and my twitter @_autumn_catt for updates!

Tessas P.O.V

it was my birthday today I just hope chance remembers. I feel like my heart will be broken and I will do something if he dosent do or say anything. I was about to get about of bed when Erika came. to be honest erikaa is the only one I can trust to let my emotions out too she is legit like my mum she cares for me so much!

e:happy birthday t!

t:thanks rik!

e:you ok?

t:*breaths in yeh I'm ok I guess I just hope I wont have too-

e:dont thin bout it! trust me

t:ok then I'm going to get ready

~erikas P.O.V~

I really feel bad for Tessa she loves chance so much!id ont know if chance is either blind or stupid but I don't think he can see it! he dosent know what shes going through right now. and his making it even worse by flirting and fake taking magan out on her own birthday! if jake did this to me you have no idea! to be honest I don't really know what hissuprise is but if its good then ill leave him but if its just like a little dinner at a restraint I don't care what happens to him but I will murder him! Tessa is my child! well not anymore. technically I'm a mom to everyone 18 and under. and she is now 19 so I only have alex and Justin I don't mind that though those boys are great and all but they are just never around that much saying they don't live here.

*knock knock

e:come in

t:hey rik

e:oh hi t!

t: I just walked past chance and ou know what he said to me?! he just said "hi! how are you?" like wtf? he clearly dosent remember!

e:t! calm down he may just have remembered but forgot to say it! just you wait!

t:ugh whatever! I'm going to the gym

e:k cya!

I had to call chance so I can know the surprise.


c:hey Erika whats up? and is jake at Disney?

e:yeh he'll be back in an hour or 2

c:ok well whats up?

e:well, I need to know the surprise

c:i cant tell you all I can say is that its not just for Tessa its for the whole team 10 also!

e:ummmm ok? and will this surprise make me kill you?

c:no! trust me the trio is working on it! but! I need you and the rst of team 10 to take her to this address 10 Rose st Gill town.

e:ok why?

c:just take her there at 7!

e:ughhh fine

it was 6 and me and Tessa, chance, megan, nick, and jake were in the kitchen/office

c:so megan did I ever tell you how beautiful those eyes are?

m:aww thanks chance

c:do you want to go dinner with me? at like 6:30?

m:sure where?

c:its a surprise

m:ok then

~tessas P.O.V~

my blood is boling! chance just asked megan on a date! I started to clinch my finch so hard I could go and punch megan in the face right now!

e:tessa calm down.


I couldn't handle it if I stayed there I would have broke her face no actually killed her! I ran up the stairs while chance was flirting with megan I stopped at one of the steps and just sat there and cried.i stopped crying and just I really don't know what I did. I just sat there staring at the chessa painting on the wall. I wanted to just put a hole in that thing! i was going to just sit there for my entire life and starve my self or something when i heard chance and megan come.i couldn't move i just sat there. and stared

~chances P.O.V~

I was about to go with megan to the "dinner" when we pasted the stairs i saw Tessa there her eyes puffy as a raspberry. i felt so bad but i had to go with the and megan left and drove to the surprise

~erikas P.O.V~

i was going to get Tessa from her room and tell her to change to go to the surprise when i was going to walk up the satirs i saw Tessa sitting there like a dead person

e:TESSA! omg Tessa! what are you doing? i know i shouldn't have left you by your self! come on lets go and forget about him! lets go!

t:you know what? yeh! llets go to dinner!

e:thus my girl! ill pay


we got ready and Tessa and i wore matching outfits

we got ready and Tessa and i wore matching outfits

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and we were off!

E:t so we are nearly here and we need you to put this blinffold on. Anthony blind fold on!

this chapter may have been boring and confusing sorry! but I'm just so i don't know! next episode will be better i hope! i luv u so much!

Q:uncle kade or uncle Nathan?

P.S there is a lot of typos! soz

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