Chapter Four

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*the girl in the photo: Sara Williams*


BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. The sound of my alarm clock wakes me up.

"Ugh, make it stop," I utter to myself, reaching for the snooze botton without opening my eyes. I accidentally drop the clock on the floor and my arm droops to the side of the bed and I let out a sigh.

"Damn it."


I get up and throw my legs on the edge of the bed. I lean over and grab the clock from the floor and forcibly press the snooze botton. Yes, this is how I usually start off my mornings; I get in an argument with my alarm clock, and yes, I always win, but then I have to buy a new clock.

I enter the bathroom and take a look in the mirror. Ugh, Lily, your such a mess. You need to go to a hair salon after school.

Note to self: Always straighten your hair in the morning.

I quickly brush my teeth and wash my face. I walk back to my room and take out a plain green short-sleeve shirt and dark blue skinny jeans; just my usual outfit on a Friday. If you ask me, I don't always put much effort into what I wear, unlike the other popular girls in my life. This is an example of how a popular girl gets ready in the morning.

1. Get out of bed

2. Do hair

3. Make sure hair looks good, so does hair again

4. Whitens teeth

5. Moisturizes face

6. Paints nails

7. Picks out extra short pants/skirt and a T shirt

8. Does hair once more

9. Throws makeup onto face

10. Ready to flirt with guys

God, I'm glad im not like them. Sydney Hyatt, the popular, good looking (according to every boy in school, even the freshmen and sophomores. Ew...), loves to taunt me in every way possible girl in my school that I would absolutely love to give a nice punch in those gorgeous cheeks of hers. I don't even know what her deal is with me. She just really enjoys it, but I'd get some help from Katie or Skylar. Katie is the best trash talker I know. She can slap someone straight across the face with her words. If I could a skill to have, I would like to trash talk just like Katie.

I grab my backpack and scurry down the stairs. My mom is still asleep. Probably because she was watching Ellen all night last night. I don't bother waking her, so I just grab yogurt from the refrigerator. I wouldn't say I'm a good cook, since the last time I did, I burnt everything.

After I finish, I grab my coat, put on my sneakers, and walk out the door to my bus stop, which isn't that far away from my house. I see Skylar and wave to her. She notices and rushes over to my side, knowing she's about to start a conversation. Skylar was that one girl that talks about everything. If you didn't know what to talk about or what to say, Skylar would be the one who would start the conversation.  She's a chatty type, but she's not annoying. She's actually a great person to talk to.

"Hey. So, I've been meaning to talk to you about are they called again?" I don't have to ask; I already know what she's talking about.

"My Night Visions?" It felt awkward saying it out loud. I've never talked about my Visions infront of anyone, not even my mom, not even my dad.

"Yeah. Anyway, I wanted to know something. How come you haven't spoken to me about them? How come you haven't spoken to ANYONE about them? The four of us are a team; you, me, Katie, and Sara. We should be telling each other stuff that's happening or secrets we might have. We shouldn't keep secret from each other."

I guess she's right. I should have told them. I shouldn't be keeping secrets from them. We're all very close to each other.

The bus approaches us at the bus stop and me and Skylar climb aboard. We make our way to an empty seat and sit down quietly.

"Let's talk about this during lunch, okay? I don't feel comfortable talking infront of people."

"Alright, but Katie and Sara need to know, too, so you're telling them."

"But what if they don't believe me? What if they think I'm crazy and go off telling the whole school?"

"Lily! They won't do that! They're our closest friends. They will believe you. You never lie, ever. It's not like you're telling Sydney McShitFace. Have you seen her makeup? God, that girl won't stop until she's attracted Ky."

I laugh loudly and everyone's faces turn to me. I cup my mouth with my hand. Oops.

Note to self: Don't laugh loudly on a bus.

"Alright, I guess I'm just overreacting. Katie and Sara wouldn't tell the whole school. They'd probably know it was important since we're dragging them out of lunch to talk about it."

"You're right. We should bring some food with us. Can't discuss with an empty stomach."

I laugh, but more quietly this time.

"Okay. Where should we meet up?"

"Court yard?"

"No," I say. "Somewhere more private and quieter."

"Janitor's closet?"

"Um, lets try something else. The janitor could walk in at any moment."

"Right, right." Skylar thinks for a moment until it looks like she's got it. "How about the library?"

"'s quiet, private, and has a larger area." I nod. "Sounds good. We'll meet there."

The bus stops infront of the school and we get off. Me and Skylar walk to where we always stand in the morning. Katie and Sara are talking to each other. Sara notices us and waves with a smile on her pale face. Sara is the best when you need to talk to her about something. I always tell her to become a counselor when she's older. She gives the best advise and she is such a smart ass. She knows stuff from math to how to build a rocket.

"Hey, Lily! Guess what? I've decided to take self defense in P.E. this semester! What do you think?"

"Self defense? Since when did you have an interest in punching people?" I tease.

"You guys always tell me I'm super smart and that I can do anything you guys can do-"

"That's because you can!" interupts Katie.

"But Lily can punch and takle and she can even break a person's arm if she had to and I can't, so I thought,  why not try it out? Maybe some bad guy trys to kidnap me. I could throw some punches and BAM! Sara Watson beats the muscular kidnapper!" Sara starts to dance around and the four of us start to laugh.

"That's a great idea, Sara. Good for you for trying something new."

"Oh. I almost forgot. Katie. Sara. Meet me and Lily in the library today when lunch starts. We- I mean Lily, needs to talk to us about something."

Before Katie starts to speak, Skylar interrupts her.

"No questions, please. Wait until lunch."

"Can we bring food?" asks Katie.


"I'll be there."

The bell rings and we separate from each other, heading to our lockers to grab our things for first period.

I can tell, it was going to be a long lunch.

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