twenty three

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The corridor was filled with sounds made by shoes, many were walking and other were running. But one sound was heard distinctly, the sound was different, it had something in it, something filled with sorrow.


Jungkook turned back to see V panting, probably must have been a urgent news, Jungkook thought seeing V's condition.

'What hyun-'

'Ha... Ha... Han Woo! He died!'


Jungkook's busy hands stopped, hearing the words. A moment of awkward silence was felt in the air.

'I...You better go to the dorm, Sehun ssi, since you have to attend a meeting', Jungkook said from the other side, stammering.

'But...Oppa can't leave you alone here', Sehun said, quiet disappointed.

'I.. I have some business to attend. I will come back after that', Jungkook said.

Sehun thought Yoona was not coming out because she was quite embarrassed and felt shy to meet him face to face so he left quietly.

'And... YOU ARE NOT MY OPPA!', Sehun smiled at the cute words.

 YOU ARE NOT MY OPPA!', Sehun smiled at the cute words

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'Hey!', Baekhyun greeted seeing the tall guy enter his room. He was sipping his coffee. Beside Baekhyun was Suho quietly engaged with his phone.

Chanyeol frowned.

Baekhyun was a little taken a back from the rude response he got for his greeting from Chanyeol. But he pulled up a smile.

'So..... U guys confessed to Yoona ssi, it seems!?', Chanyeol started without beating the bushes.

Baekhyun choked on his drink and Suho looked away from the phone.

'What th-', Baekhyun started. Suho got up from the bed.

'Yes I did confess, so what?', Suho asked advancing towards Chanyeol.

Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun for his reply to his question. Seeing Baekhyun nod a yes, he fumed inside.

'Seriously, don't tell me all 3 of us confessed to her?', Chanyeol asked, rolling his eyes.

'Anyway, I don't think there is anything to discuss on this matter, she belongs to me', Suho said, shrugging.

'As if she is some object', Baekhyun murmured. 'NO hyung, she does not belong to you and I guess she likes me!'

Seeing the others claiming his love interest, Chanyeol too decided to be clear with the others,

'Let's see who wins in the end'


Jungkook was now entering the big hit building. His face was well covered with a mask. He had changed his clothes back then in the theme park and now he was in a loose t-shirt and baggy shorts. His spare clothes came in handy.

He was greeted by the other members when he entered his dorm.

He entered his room and fell in the bed. He could hear the door open, he lifted his head up to see V and Jimin walking into the room. They closed the door behind them.

'Can we talk?', Jimin asked Jungkook.

'No.. I am tired', Jungkook said letting out a sigh.

Jimin looked at V.

'Okay then listen', V said as he pulled a chair for himself to sit. He motioned Jimin to start.

'Hey! Jun.. Jungkook we.. We are really sorry', Jimin said. 'I never knew you were doing this for Han Woo.'

'It is okay Hyung, just leave me alone', Jungkook said.

'We are guilty Jungkook after all we are humans. But I don't understand how doing this will help Han Woo', V continued, ignoring Jungkook.

'You won't understand even if I tell you Hyung. After all Han Woo was MY best friend', Jungkook said, his eyes were filled with tears but he tried hard not to show it.

'Jungkook I... I don't know what to say but we decided to let you do whatever you want to do. We won't tell the hyungs, don't worry', Jimin said.

V and Jimin went and patted Jungkook's back and left the room. As soon as the door closed with Jungkook left alone, Jungkook let go the tears he was controlling so far.

Han Woo, I will make sure you rest in peace.

Guys, I just wanted to write a small chapter to update fast. Hope you all like it!


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