The choice

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Okay, this is a story I am writing for my Writers Craft class, but I will be updating it once I get each chapter written.  Let me know what you think of it and leave me some feedback. Thanks :)


The waves crashing over the white sand, the smell of the ocean, the cool breeze blowing over my golden brown skin, the warm rays of sun washing over me. I sighed. How I long for summer. To escape this cold and dreadful winter. To escape the 30 below wind chills that penetrate any coat you wear, the wet, icy ground beneath you that turns into a giant slip and slide the minute you step on it. I hated winter and loved summer. I began daydreaming of my plans this summer, hanging out with my best friends Sasha and Aiden, and my long term boyfriend Cain. I couldn't wait. I began to drift off into sleep.

    “Katrina!” I thought I could hear someone calling my name, but I ignored it, assuming I was dreaming again. “Katrina!” This time I could hear it a little clearer, only I could not place the voice. “KATRINA DILAURENTA!” This time I bolted up into a sitting position and quickly rubbed my eyes. Once my eyes adjusted to the bright light, I glanced up at who was calling my name, and came face to face with Mr. Lowel, my Classics teacher.

    “Miss DiLaurenta, is my class boring? Is my class not important? Do you think you can sleep through my class and still pass?” Mr. Lowel snapped at me. He is a nice teacher if you are on his good side, but clearly I just was put on his bad side.

    “I am so sorry Mr. Lowel! I was just up all night working on assignments and scholarship applications that I didn't get a very good sleep. I promise it wont happen again!” I pleaded with him to understand the stress I was going through. I barely ever got to bed earlier than midnight. I work everyday after school from three until nine, and then from nine until midnight I was doing scholarship applications or homework assignments. Thankfully for me, the lunch bell rang and I bolted up out of my seat like it was on fire. I quickly gathered my things and began to hurry out the door when my name was called.

    “Katrina!” I turned back around to face Mr. Lowel. “We will talk later,” he simple stated. I nodded and took off out the door again.

    I sauntered up to my locker, where my two best friends, Sasha and Aiden where standing waiting for me. I motioned to Aiden to keep quiet and whispered in Sasha's ear. “Hey doll, you want to go somewhere more private?” She jumped and spun around, hitting me in the arm as she did.

    “Katrina! I hate you. I thought you were that creepy guy from my math class!” she shrieked, earning the attention of everyone in the hall.

    I turned to the rest of the hall and gave them my best glare. “What are you looking at? Shoo!” They all decided it was nothing and went back to their own conversation. I gave Sasha a pointed look and laughed. “You mean Dalton? He's not that bad. He's friends with Cain. He can be extremely nice when he isn't being his perverted self.”

    “Well you know where we stand on the issue of your boyfriend. You know we think he's not good enough for you,” Aiden spoke for the first time.

    “Can we please not do this now. Let's go get some lunch before our table is taken.” I linked arms with my two best friends as we made our way to the crowded, noisy cafeteria.

     Once we reaches the cafeteria I made a beeline for the canteen. I could hear aiden and Sasha laughing behind me, and I flipped them off without even turning. Their laughing became louder as I realized they were right behind me. I turned to grab a slice of pizza, but realized they were all gone.

"Are you kidding me? I wanted pizza!" I huffed in annoyance and grabbed some fries instead.

"If you two hadn't have taken so long, I could be eating pizza right now!"

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