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this chapter isn't in Lexas POV, enjoy!~ ;-)


Marc walked into the room shaking his head in annoyance. A sudden gust of air hit the room as Cian came to a sudden stop in the halt in the doorframe with Alec behind him, grabbing him and putting him in a headlock.

Darius stood there leaning against the book self as quiet as ever ignoring the two annoying younger vampires.

"You fucker!" Alec was yelling and cursing at Cian for god knows what this time. Those two were always arguing over something and usually ended up in a fight but knowing them they'd make up and be best friends again.

Cian was still laughing as he was being practically chocked to death, which was a good thing he couldn't die.

"Would you two cut it out!" Darius snarled at the two vampires his eyes flashing a dangerous red which made the two in question stand frozen not moving even to take a breath.

Marc rolled his eyes and sat down on the desk in deep thought.

Darius ignored the annoying shit heads as he looked at Marc questioningly.

"What'd dumb and dumber do this time?"

"Just Cian being a dumbass and started getting nippy with the girl."

"It was more then nippy! He was sucking her neck as if it was air!" Alec growled at the silver haired vampire his eyes flashed a quick red until they returned to their crystal blue.

Darius stared down the guilty vampire. Cian just raised his hands innocently with a lopsided grin on his face.

"Hey I was just distracting her from the pain Marc was putting her through! You didn't read her thoughts she was enjoying what I was doing to her soft skin." Cian just dug himself a deeper grave with the older vampires. They all were glaring holes through his head.

"Next time I'll drive a stake through your heart for touching her." Alec muttered, obviously jealous he hadn't thought of it first.

"Stay out of her head. She's our beloved and she deserves the privacy and respect." Marc warned Cian. He was always the one who had to lay down the rules and control the others, otherwise they did stupid shit.

"How do you even know she's out beloved?" Darius looked at Marc wanting to know. When he first saw her, she was bleeding. All he could think about was sinking his fangs into her soft skin and drinking her blood. He knew it had to be delicious because he smelled like vanilla and chocolate swirled into a enticing aroma. His eyes glowed a ravenous red just thinking about feeding on her. Marc had stopped him before he did anything to the girl but that didn't stop him from wanting it.

"Control yourself Darius.." the others were watching him with careful eyes. Darius had trouble controlling his urges and desire to feed.

"I don't know for sure if she is, not until we taste her blood.. But I think that we found her." Marc stated. The others stayed quiet just thinking about it.

"She has to be our beloved! I felt the pull. The bond is there, it might not be strong but it's there." Alec stood there looking like a pouting child. If she wasn't the beloved he'd be the one most disappointed. We'd been looking for her for a while.

"She's resting now. Let her sleep. While she sleeps we will feed so no one loses control until we speak with her." Marc glanced at Darius as if accusing him he was the one who would hurt their bonded. Cian snickered because he knew Darius was close to exploding at Marc's words. Darius snarled towards the youngest and sped off to go feed.

Marc glared hard at Cian warning him to not try anything with their beloved. Cian just gave him one of his infamous grins and followed after Darius.

With only Alec and Marc in the room they had a silent agreement and followed after the others to feed before it was morning and their beloved awoke.


End of chapter threeee yay! What'd ya think? I hope this chapter cleared up some stuff, a little shorter but oh well!

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❥ who's your favorite of the four vampires?

❥ what's to come of lexa and the four vampire hotties? ;-)

❥ comment, vote, anything is appreciated and will help me to write more <3

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