Chapter 6, Why was Esme still alive?

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It took long, but here is the next chapter.

There have been so much, that I haven't made this chapter done, but here it is:)

I do not own twilight, if I did, was Edward with me right now^^



Esme gasped, and we all knem why. We knew because right infront of us, lay a dead. 

Her body - Esme's. 

Why was she dead? 

Carlisle told me her heart beating, when he found her, But Carlisle hasn't found he ryet, and her heart doesn't beat.

I think something no one knows about is going to happend, and we are going to found out right now.

I wont be surpriced if Bella is a part of it.

She has been there when it was mine and Carlisle's story, why not Esme's?

I don't think sha has something to do with Jasper and Alice.

A nurse with brown hair, got me back from my thoughts. She walked up to Esme's dead body, and stood there for awayl.

"I know you can't hear me, but a speaciel man is here on this hospital, and he is coming for you in 20 minutes. And you are dead, so we are going to chance that. But it's going to hurt, abit with mine,and a lot with the man's. So, i'm sory, for this, but, I'm only here because of this," she said, and then bit her. 

There was a littel, short scream from Esme, but it was very mute, we could only hear it, because we were vampires.

Then Bella took her mask on, so nobody knew who she was. 

She took Esme's bed to the pale where the dead's schould be, then she left Esme in a room, where nobody was.First looking at Esme, then smiled.

10 minutes after she left, Carlisle came into the room, where Esmeøs - now - beating heart were.

"Who left you here?" he asked, most to himself.¨

Then he looked better at her. And falled in love.

Bella's voice came into the room: "Chance her!" it said.

Carlisle did it, without thinking.¨

It was night, and he was the only one in the place.

So Esme's screams could only hears by him.

Everything was white, nut this time, when we came to the next story, could we hear a fight going on, then a scream and somebody laughing.

Rosalie took her head in Emmett's shoulder.

She knew where this would end. And she didn't like it.


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