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I couldn't take it back to her eyes; those same condemningly besmirched eyes; which had so devastatingly broken it in the first place; relentlessly staring and flirting with every other object in vicinity,

I couldn't take it back to her feet; those same disdainfully unscrupulous feet; which had so wretchedly broken it in the first place; clandestinely cavorting to every free space on planet earth; with every maiden prince alive,

I couldn't take it back to her hands; those same tawdrily barbarous hands; which had so inconsolably broken it in the first place; endeavoring their very best to asphyxiate it beyond realms of blissful recognition,

I couldn't take it back to her lips; those same derogatorily castigating lips; which had so sordidly broken it in the first place; preferring to indefatigably kiss the gutters instead; even as I stood upright and compassionately abreast,

I couldn't take it back to her voice; that same nefariously ridiculing voice; which had so uncouthly broken it in the first place; laughing till eternity; at even the most brilliantly unimpeachable of my victories,

I couldn't take it back to her nape; that same obnoxiously frivolous neck; which had so disastrously broken it in the first place; tirelessly turning to every conceivable direction; where there was more richness,

I couldn't take it back to her belly; that same bawdily decrepit belly; which had so diabolically broken it in the first place; being the tantalizing vixen of every palace; whilst my arms lay with all the love in the Universe; outstretched,

I couldn't take it back to her nose; that same reproachfully forlorn nose; which had so flagrantly broken it in the first place; blowing out every perceivable speck of its grime on my face; whilst simultaneously inhaling every masculine fragrance from the evening atmosphere,

I couldn't take it back to her ears; those same deliriously opprobrious ears; which had so devilishly broken it in the first place; preferring to ardently listen to every bit insane balderdash on the Universe; whilst closing completely to even the most heart-rendering of my cries,

I couldn't take it back to her brain; that same penuriously castrated brain;
which had so ghoulishly broken it in the first place; unstoppably conjuring
images of zillions of men rolling in glittering gold; whilst kicking my form
which could die for her; just because it was impoverished,

I couldn't take it back to her bosom; that same fecklessly titillating bosom; which had so indiscriminately broken it in the first place; simply because it couldn't offer an exhilaration greater than true love,

I couldn't take it back to her cheeks; those same insanely bemoaning cheeks; which had so salaciously broken it in the first place; vindictively charring it with their abhorrent redness; for trying to amiably bond with them,

I couldn't take it back to her blood; that same inhumanely pulverizing blood; which had so satanically broken it in the first place; cherishing every powerhouse of politics and terror; whilst baselessly rejecting all my honest sacrifices at the same time,

I couldn't take it back to her shadow; that same unbearably pugnacious shadow; which had so torturously broken it in the first place; trying to lambaste and invidiously overwhelm every shade of my celestial existence,

I couldn't take it back to her spine; that same sadistically frenetic spine; which had so cold-bloodedly broken it in the first place; tyrannically pulverizing it to infinitesimal ash; under the combined weight of it and her one night lover,

I couldn't take it back to her legs; those same falsely alluring legs; which had so cadaverously broken it in the first place; making me run till the horizons of infinity; before falling forever into someone else's arms right infront of my wailing eyes,

I couldn't take it back to her breath; that same spitefully prejudiced breath; which had so indescribably broken it in the first place; preferring to reinvigorate life in a dead stone; whilst every pore of my lifeless skin wanted just an ethereal speck of it; to stay perpetually alive,

I couldn't take it back to her heart; that same venomously assassinating heart; which had so unforgivingly broken it in the first place; immortally bonding its beats with the most obfuscated portion of vacuum instead,

And I couldn't take it to anyone in the entire world; as since it was born it solely belonged and was only hers; so I couldn't even dream of sharing or commiserating it with the outside planet,

Therefore and Now you only tell me; where to take this "Broken Heart" of mine O! Omnipotent Almighty Lord?

1 God - Poems on God , Creator - volume 4Where stories live. Discover now