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Without resting an infinitesimal iota on the many peaks that were conquered with balms of love and compassion; as life crawled at its own unabashedly spontaneous pace; ahead,
Without basking in the glory of all those adventurous trails that had led to the lion's den; only to march out unscathed and unperturbed by the grace of the Almighty God,
Without whispering much about the insurmountably crackling flames that were subdued into nothingness; as the foot trampled the very source into oblivion,
Without paying the tiniest of heed to the most magnanimously committed acts of charity in recent past; wherein personal pleasures were vanquished from all quarters to serve afflicted living kind,
Without murmuring even an insouciant trifle about the grandest of days; when things were served on a bountiful golden platter; even before they were ardently wished,
Without comparing to those pricelessly adorable moments- when life seemed to be perfectly poised like an enamoring prince; on the highest crest of the tantalizing ocean waves,
Without phlegmatically resting on the highest laurels earned in a chosen field of expertise; which lay the mortal pedestal on a red carpet and with the crowds cheering on in rapturous delight,
Without savoring the sweetness of a victory which was molded on the embers of flaming truth; and which paved the way ahead for a whole new mortal civilization of righteousness,
Without aggrandizing the slightest about the earnest perseverance put in; to transform every ounce of fantasy into veritable reality for the globe to admire,
Without curling into the most indigent of hurray for having outwitted every trace of deceit with the power of infallible innocence; that was most adorable to the winds of symbiotically united existence,
Without capitalizing on any previous commercial break that came staid but secure; and which was so quintessential to mollify various desires of impoverished life,

Without fantasizing the least about those succulent meals which titillated the tongue so rhapsodically; before being eventually gobbled with uninhibited gusto to the humane hunger that arose,
Without rekindling the nostalgia that constituted gloriously impeccable childhood; where food, play, toys and rest; replenished sparkling life to its joyous and unbridled best,
Without serenading the persona with all the treasuries of gold earned; which pampered the greedy humane form to its wishes; before it crumbled into wisps of nothingness when destined by God,
Without opening the closet of the famed circle of luminaries that the form was associated with; whose influence sorted many mortal messes within lightening seconds of time,
Without the most measly of flattering to the present demeanor for having reached this far; transcending every barrier of caste; creed; religion and color with the religion of inimitable humanity,
Without any reference to the wondrous fertility exhibited; the ramification of which was a festoon of freshness that unveiled into a fountain of mesmerizing creativity; by the grace of the Divine,
Without the most parsimonious of congratulation to the astounding grit with which life was led; winning accolades from even the remotest quarters of the planet sublime,
Every day was an unparalleled new gift from the Omniscient Creator. Each Sunrise started fresh. Each morning was a different morning laden with optimism. Every dawn blossomed with jubilant hope to symbiotically survive.

The End .  

1 God - Poems on God , Creator - volume 4Where stories live. Discover now