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Two sets of purple eyes were suddenly pointed in her direction, one pair murderous and filled with rage, the others filled with fear and gratitude. Ophelia realized the boy was Soren, the cause for so much fear in the house of Lot. She had no idea what she was going to do if she had to fight him, he wasn't thickly muscled, but he had a severe advantage in height. Ophelia was clenching her fists and calculating her options when the bastard spoke, "It appears we have been interrupted, Little Bird. We will continue this later." His tone held deadly menace as he turned to face Ophelia and growled, "I will see you in the near by future, Ophelia." The chills returned and she sensed a truly ominous and hateful cloud around him, thinking of his thinly veiled threat Ophelia felt bile rise to the back of her throat, but she swallowed knowing Wren needed someone to help her.

She wasn't safe. Wren had never considered that her brother would come after her at the academy, he hadn't in three months, so she had assumed that she was safe. She had naively thought that she could go about and have an ordinary life away from home. Her thoughts started spiraling and the full force of what Soren had some close to doing again hit her. Her knees fell from under her and she buckled without feeling a thing. Her savior shouted, "Hey! What's wrong? Was I really too late?" Wren opened her eyes to see the blurred outline of the girl, only noticing the bright green-gold of her eyes, nearing the brink of darkness, she willed herself to say, "Please, Lyra. Lyra, help."In the back of her mind she was yelling at herself that no sane person would understand that, she hadn't even spoken in complete sentences. Before she could begin to clarify what she had said, the darkness claimed her for itself and she could only pray that the girl would understand and get her friend.

Lyra woke to a loud banging on her door, and prayed for the person on the other side that what they had to say was important. She looked over to see that Wren wasn't in bed as usual, and laughed at the thought of what she would do if she was here. Tying her hair back and throwing on her robe she opened the door to see a frantic girl raising her fist to bang on the door again. The girl's brown hair was coming undone from her ponytail, her hands were shaking, and she was panting as if she had run all the way across the school to get to her door. Lyra's own heart started to pound knowing that no one looked like that with good news to deliver.

Taking a breath to calm herself, she was about to ask the girl who she was, but was interrupted as the girl said, "Please tell me that you're Lyra!"

What the hell? She had no siblings at the school that would talk about her, and this girl was not from the first year, they were all separated from the other students until their second year.

Shaking herself out of her thoughts, Lyra cautiously said, "Yeah, I'm Lyra. Why? Who are you?" She continued appraising the other girl, who couldn't have been more than an inch taller than Wren, making her more than a head shorter than she was.

The girl groaned and half yelled, "Ophelia, but we really don't have time for introductions, Wren Argent is in trouble, and she mentioned you."

Lyra's heart stopped and she rushed out of the door way and was halfway across the common room before she realized she had no clue where her best friend was. She wheeled around to get the stranger who looked disturbed and deep in thought. Ophelia looked Lyra up and down as if she was assessing her, and then said, " I think we might need one other person's help carrying her."

Lyra always assumed the worst, but Wren could take care of herself, what had happened? She tried to keep her voice level as she asked,"What the hell do you mean,"carry her"?"

Ophelia groaned in frustration and said,"We don't have time for you to question everything i say, is there someone you know and trust that can help?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2017 ⏰

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