Chapter 5

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"Alright, so whats the verdict? Are we splitting up or all searching together?" Jonas asked once arriving at the town.
"Uh, I think we should stick together. It seems uh, safer, ya know?" Nona interjected, shrugging.

"Yeah. Probably the smartest idea." Alex agreed, as she pulled out her radio.

"Whatcha doing?" Ren questioned, tilting his head and peaking over her shoulder to look.

"Seeing if I can communicate with them again. Or get some kind of signal clue as to where Clarissa is." She answered him, not looking up from the radio.

Everybody then sort of hovered around Alex, or lingered around the general area as they waited; for what seemed like hours.

"I'm not-" Alex sighed heavily. "I'm not getting anything."

"Hey. That's fine, let's just find Clarissa a-foot." Ren said as he stetched out his arms.

"Yeah. Um, how did you and Nona actually find Clarissa, the first time?" Jonas questioned folding his arms.

"We just kinda stumbled upon her. She was sitting on that lamp post over there, actually." Nona explained pointing to the tall post.

"What? Really?" Jonas asked furrowing his eyebrows. "Okay, I never asked but when you two saw her, where did she go, exactly? Why didn't you, ya know, bring her with you?"

"Well uh..." Alex rubbed the back of her neck. "She was like, possesed and um, just disappeared." Alex purposely left out the part that she had went through some weird, alternative time dimension.

"Then what makes you think we'll find her here?" Ren questioned, as he stared at the lamppost.

"Um...I don't know, but it's our best bet, I think."

"Okay, well we need a Plan B in case she isn't here." Jonas pointed out. "Where do we look next?"

"Well maybe we could, find an escape route first. Like two of us keep looking and the other two go to Maggie Adler's house to find the boat. That way, we are ready to leave right away." Ren suggested.

"Thats a good idea actually." Alex noted, nodding. "Okay. So Nona and I will search for Clarissa. You two find the boat. Make sure everything is prepared. And do not leave Maggie's house. Got it?" Everybody nodded in understanding.

"Alright uh, troops. Get into position." Nona added clumsily, but authoritative.

"Stay out of trouble, okay?" Alex asked of Jonas and Ren, giving them a smile.

"Hey, you too Miss 'almost set the whole school on fire.'" Ren responded giving her a nudge.

"Wait what?" Jonas questioned  looking from Ren to Alex with furrowed eyebrows and a smirk.

"Ah, its a story for another time." Alex shrugged, grinning. "I'll tell you on the way home." Her grin shifted into a small smile, as she and Nona turned to leave.

"Hey, one more thing." Jonas called out and the two turned around with curious looks.

"Yeah? What-" Alex was suddenly cut off as Jonas hugged her. She was shocked at first, but then a warm smile spread across her face. "Awh don't worry. Everyone can hug the shit outta one another when we get home."

"Well consider this a 'just in case' hug." Jonas said as he parted, only to be pulled back in.

"Okay. Just in case." Alex hugged him again, closing her eyes for a moment as to take in the hug. "But you can't die yet because I still need to get a hug when you're in your own body." She said laughing lightly.

"Oh. Yeah I'd-I'd almost forgotten." Jonas laughed out, brushing the hair out of his face.

"Hey c'mon. I give the best hugs; even when it isn't technically me." Ren added with arms over his chest.

"I can't make a final decision until I hug Jonas in his own body." Alex joked with a shrug.

"That decision is gonna be easy!" Ren insisted, smiling.

"Ooooookay Ren." She laughed out. "See you guys."

"See ya." The boys waved and turned to the gate.

"Alrighty let's check on that getaway boat." Ren said cracking his knuckles until realizing it was locked.

"Um, Alex?" Ren called out but the girls were already gone. "Guess we're climbing." He said putting a foot into the fence, starting up the gate.



Yaya another chapter!

So I wrote in the part with Alex and Jonas because I love to believe they have such a close brother-sister bond. Close sibling relationships are my favorite tbh

Also I know this chapter ended kind of awkwardly so sorry about that :p
But hope it was okay nonetheless!! Thanks for reading! ♡


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