Chapter 6

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"Is this, you know, safe?" Jonas asked nervously watching Ren go up.

"I'm a great climber so you'll be fine. And I seem to be doing fine with your body so, c'mon up." Ren had reached the top, and gestured for the other to join him. Jonas rubbed the back of his head and looked around, as if making sure nobody else was watching.

"I don't know about this Ren..."

"Alright. You stay there then." Ren responded with a shrug and was about to go over before hearing Jonas call from below.

"Wait!! I'm coming up!" Jonas insured as he started up the side of the gate.

"Thought so." Ren said to himself with a grin. He waited and watched Jonas hesitantly climb up closer to him. What happened next was sudden; so sudden Ren didn't even know how he reacted so fast. He barely realized he had until he saw his hand gripped tightly to Jonas'. It took a moment, but Ren collect himself. Jonas had slipped, and Ren had caught him and hoisted him to the top.

"Thanks." Jonas said swallowing hard.

"No problem. I couldnt let ya break one of my legs." The seriousness has worn off for Ren. "Think you can get down?"

"Yeah." Ren had already gotten down by this point, and was looking up at Jonas expectantly. He got down fine, but did happen to take a clumsy landing when taking a final leap.

"Boat ahoy!" Ren shouted and pointed authoritatively towards the dock. Jonas only rolled his eyes and followed the dork.


"So, here's the boat. Let's make sure it runs properly." Jonas said as he hopped in, catching his balance before looking to the front. "Damn." He cussed quietly.

"What's wrong?" Ren questioned curiously from the dock.

"There aren't-" Jonas had to stop midsentence as he climbed out. "There aren't any keys." He explained once on dry land.

"Really? Uhh, lets just check the house." Ren suggested already heading off.

"Do you really think they'd just leave boat keys on the counter?" Jonas asked once the two got to a window. "Uh? There is a front door."

"I actually do. And it's locked. Here, follow me." Ren had figured the door wouldn't be open, not with all the teenagers that came around. But he also knew that teenagers will break in anywhere, and always find a way. It just so happened the back window was the entrance. Ren climbed through, and looked expectantly back at the other when he landed.

"Is this... legal?" Jonas questioned nervously.

"It's for um, survival? So calm down." Ren encouraged. "Also, kids do this all the time and never get caught. No biggie."

"Sure okay." Jonas mumbled to himself as he started into the window. However, half way through, Jonas' shirt got hooked resulting in him stumbling forward. Ren quickly sprung towards the falling Jonas, and caught him in a hug like position. Both boys stayed like that for a moment, cheeks heating up. Jonas stood himself up right, taking a moment to look down and let the blush fade away. Ren coughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head.

"So the uh, keys?" Jonas asked uncomfortably, shifting from foot to foot.

"Oh yea. The key ring is right over here." Ren turned around and went to a key rack just above the fridge. Before grabbing them however, Ren swung the fridge door open.

"What are you doing?" Jonas questioned wandering over.

"Remember those kids that never get caught?" Ren started, reaching in to grab something. "They also leave some refreshments here." He explained pulling out a beer. "Want one?"

"Uh, actually, yes. I would really like one." Ren smiled as he passed Jonas a beer, then slammed the door shut.

"Hey, I can actually reach!" Ren said in excitement as he got the keys down.

"Don't get used to it. We'll be switching back soon." Jonas joked grinning.

It wasn’t long after that the two had the keys and were out by the boat. Ren sat down, legs dangling off the pier, while Jonas leaned against a pole. The both of them looked out at the water for a little while, before Jonas spoke up.

"Hey, can I see my jacket for a sec?" He asked as he sat down next to Ren.

"Nope. I get the body, I get the clothes. It's all inclusive." Ren responded with a smirk. "Plus, you'd never give me your jacket; I'm playing the role of Jonas."

Jonas froze for a moment. His cheeks felt warm as he swallowed haed. The thing was, he had already thought about giving Ren his jacket. Earlier, when on the ferry over, Ren was complaining of being cold. Jonas had seriously debated offering his jacket but decided that Ren might find it weird.

"You alright?" Ren questioned after a moment of silence.

"Yup its fine."

"Its fine or your fine?" Ren pointed out raising an eyebrow. "You can't fool me. I have been in therapy for like, three years. I know all the word plays." Jonas could only huff in response.

"Wow a free therapy session from Reginald Adams? I'm honored."

"Haha. Come on. Tell me what's wrong." Ren pushed, giving the other puppy eyes.

"Alright. Just-is there anything of value in your pockets?" Ren gave a puzzled look, but still check his pockets.

"Uh no. Why-" Suddenly a hand shoved against his back, sending him flying into the calm water; disrupting it. Ren had gone completely under, so once he resurfaced, he shot a glare to the laughing Jonas.

"I'm sorry but it was too tempting!" Jonas apologized inbetween laughs.

"Oh yeah. You seem soooo sorry."

"You're not gonna pout, right?"

"Pout? Me? No no. I usually go for the uh, revenge." Before Jonas was able to realize what that meant, his ankles were gripped and he was underwater. He shot up gasping at how cold the water was, and then looked at Ren who took his turn laughing. They both giggled, floating in the moonlit water and almost forgetting the horrorshow they'd been encountering. For a moment, the two looked in each others eyes. All either boy could think was how strange it was to see their own face, but at the same time see the others face. The eyes seemed to morf the face...and it was slightly unsettling. But the two were content, until the peace was broken off by their names.

"Jonas! Ren!"

"Hey its Alex!" Ren noticed with a smile. Both of them swam to the dock, hoisting themselves up out of the water.

"I would ask-'what the hell are you doing in the water'-but there is something a little more urgent." Alex explained as she approached the two.

"Hey um, where is Nona?" Ren asked suddenly noticing her disappearance.

"That's whats so urgent." Alex explained, catching her breath. "Nona is missing."



So here is Chapter 6!! I hope you liked it! :)

Idk I really try to write cutesy stuff lmao. The hinting between the boys will get better, and I'll sail the ship by the end :)

Anyways, hope you like the story!!

-Nathan ☆

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