Im guilty

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Tanya's P.O.V
I took Tim to the office and then a room where they showed me to go to for more 'privacy'. I felt so so bad be it was all my fault and I couldn't BELIVE I made him bleed and suffer because of me.

Tanya : Tim I'm so so sorry
Tim: for what
Tanya : for getting you in trouble
Tim: it's ok
Tanya : I'm sorry I truly am

Tanya's P.O.V
After Tim said that he moved closer and we kissed and slowly made out and he put his hands on my face and out lips moved in sync. Until the teacher walked in and we quickly let go

Teacher : you may go to your class Tanya
Tanya : ok

Timothy's P.O.V
Me and Tanya were in a room while she was saying sorry to me and Idk why she felt so guilty she knows I love her and I will protect her and I had to make her stop feeling guilty so I kissed her and we slowly started to make out as she moaned softly between every breath. The teacher walked in and Tanya left. The teacher gave me a bandage and asked me about what happened she gave me ice for my eye and lips. I wish Tanya washers I felt so much better making out with her then here talking to a teacher.

Tanya's P.O.V
I went in class and everyone looked at me like I was a monster, I am I am a monster I'm responsible for Timothy being in pain I looked over at the room and I saw Derek the guy Tim go in a fight with he wasn't even hurt he just had a scar on his face but damn he was huge. "Tanya your late" my teacher said as I sat down "sorry I was with uk my boyfriend" suddenly Derek looked at me and winked and everyone looked shocked that Tim and I were a couple. I sat down and opened my text book and the teacher continued with the Leasson

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