Im lost

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Tanya's P.O.V
We heard my mom come in and we quickly let go and Tim quickly put his shirt on and pretended to read a book and I sat on my bed and pretended to be on my phone when my mom walked upstairs and saw us

Tanya's mom: hey Tanya
Tanya : hi
Tim: hi mrs.zehtabi
Tanya's mom: hey
Tanya's mom: what are you guys doing
Tanya : uh hanging out
Tanya's mom: ok well have fun
Tanya :  thanks
Tim: that was close
Tanya : ik
Tanya : let's go somewhere comeon
Tim: where
Tanya : hold up
Tanya : MOM
Tanya's mom: Yes honey
Tanya : Can me and Tim go somewhere
Tanya's mom : um sure where?
Tanya : uhh um the mall
Tanya's mom: ok be back at 8
Tanya : sure
Tanya's mom: ok see ya
Tim: where are we going ?
Tanya: you'll see

Timothy's P.O.V
When Tanya's mom came in we quickly pretended to not do anything, suddenly Tanya said to go somewhere, but I didn't know where it was eather a hotel or something i didn't care as long as I was with her.

Tanya's P.O.V
I didn't know where I was gonna take Him I didn't wanna take him to a hotel just for one Time. Oh shoot I don't know what the fuck I'm doing hopefully he finds somewhere I jut wanted to be a way from home because me and Tim needed quality time.

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