~Chapter 3~

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*Matthew's POV*

'"Who is Dimitri Lovardo?"' She had asked me only 2 minutes before we arrived at school. I cringed at the name and I had known him since he was born. Guardians tended to live forever and never die. Dimitri is was almost part all magical beings. He had part wizard or witch, he had a part of vampire and a part of a werewolf in him as well. All that wasn't a part of his behavior though.

He was exactly like Naomi except for Naomi wasn't a witch at all. She just had abilities and powers. When Naomi was 6 years old she was already using her abilities and powers. I had asked David if this age was normal to do what she did and he said no it wasn't normal at all. 

I dropped Naomi and Melly off at school and then headed to my secret spot to where I would think...the water tower. I fly up there sometimes when there was no one around. Yes, I know I keep telling Naomi to not use her abilities in public and I'm doing what I said she shouldn't. I sat on top of the water tower and began my thinking process:

'I think I love Naomi...NO, I know I love her but I can't bring myself to let some guy, some Dimitri Lovardo, hurt her. I just know he will or maybe I watched his actions for far too long. He had done this to many girls in high school but I haven't seen him in 5 years.' I started to cry at the thought of someone hurting my precious Naomi. That very thought hit me in my chest like a girl would hit a man in the chest if she was hurting or if she was angry.

I was at the end of my thinking process and when I looked at my phone I saw the time. 4:00 pm. Damn, I was an hour late picking them up. 

*Naomi Knight's POV*

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*Naomi Knight's POV*

Mattew immediately dropped the subject of Dimitri Lovardo when we pulled into the schools parking lot. He stopped the car in front of the school and I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the lips. Oops. I meant to give him a kiss on the cheek like I always did but he turned his head at the last second. I pulled away in shock and then turned to him and opened my mouth to speak but then he had a smirk on his lips and I stared at his lips for the longest time and my mouth was still open.

"You should close your mouth, Darling. Before a fly gets inside it" He said as he used his thumb and index finger to slid underneath my chin and closed it for me.

I opened the door and let Melly out and then immediately he closed my door. Melly yelled 'HEY' but I ignored her. I looked at his hand that was on my door handle, that was still reaching across me and then I looked at his face. The windows were darkly tinted so people on the outside couldn't look in. He leaned forward.

"I wanted to do this for the longest time, Naomi," He said as he smashed his lips into mine and immediately I felt sparks and that confused me more as I thought about it. 

I pushed the thoughts away and moved my lips with his in sync and soon I was on his lap and my panties were wet. He was a Guardian and he was kissing me and making me wet, I pulled away and bit my lip. Lust, envy, love, passion, excitement...was all in his movements and in his eyes. He was the only one of the Guardians that had abilities like me and that was born, part vampire and part werewolf.

I felt a connection but I knew we shouldn't fall in love with each other. It was known as forbidden for a Hybrid and a Guardian to be together like this. He knew this but he didn't care. Since I was 15 I had a crush on Matthew. I kept that secret for a day like well today to be exact. He wanted me and a part of me wanted him too but also a part of me wanted to get to know who Dimitri Lovardo was and to love him as well.

Someday soon I would find who I was destined to be with, whether it was with my Guardian named Matthew or whether it was with my new upcoming college professor Dimitri Lovardo.

Someday soon I would find who I was destined to be with, whether it was with my Guardian named Matthew or whether it was with my new upcoming college professor Dimitri Lovardo

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