The Not Fun stuff

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A/N: Ok so this fanfiction is copywrited as many of the stories and fanfictions on wattpad are. That means that unless my express permission is granted, any distribution or other copies of this fanfic that happens to end up on other sites is not ok and will be asked to be taken down if it does occur. 

That being said, if you ask to do a translation or to copy it onto another site ad give me credit, then i may end up allow you to but you ahve to ask permission first.

Also, obviously all characters aside from my OCs are the property of the queen herself, JK Rowling.

Now onto the fun stuff.

So hi! My name is Mikki and i am your author. I am from the US though alot of what i write takes place in Europe of some sort only cause nothing fun or cool ever happens in America let's be honest.

I am going to be starting college in a few weeks so i'm trying to get 4 or 5 chapters up between now and then possibly more becuase once school starts i'll be able to update maybe once a week. Hope you enjoy! No hate please! Always comment!

Love, Your Crazy Author

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