This is the end of the marichat trilogy 😂
Technically though it's no longer marichat 😏
----------------Chat almost passed out.
No seriously- he is on the verge of a complete episode. He wondered what good things he had done in his past life to deserve something so spectacularly amazing.
"Wait- but are you ready?" Marinette asked, searching his eyes for any doubts about transforming.
In answer to that, Chat smirked, bringing his hand with his ring between them. He winked at a stunned Marinette and said, "Plagg, Claws off."
There was a bright flash of green light and Marinette had to close her eyes to not become blind. But her heart was racing- Chat is transforming! In front of her.
It was silent- the transformation comeplete. All Marinette could hear was her heart beating in her ears and Chat's breathing. She still had her eyes closed when she heard a little voice.
"Eww teens and their stupid hormones- I'm glad I'm out of here now, thanks Marinette for letting this horny boy transform- I did not want him ruining my suit." Marinette turned her head to the sound of the voice and slowly opened her eyes. She saw a little floating black kwami who she assumed was plagg. But before she could say anything he flew out of her window mumbling about cheese. She still had not looked at who Chat transformed in to. But an ungloved hand came to caress her face slowly turning her head- she was met with the bright green eyes she knows so well.
"Ignore him, he has issues" Chat says with a smile. Only it was no longer Chat. It is only then that Marinette registers who is above her. Oh my god.
"Adrien.." it came out as a whisper. Marinette felt like she could not breathe. Adrien. It was as though her brain had just stopped functioning. She just stared and stared. Her two remaining brain cells informed her that perhaps she should say something, or do something. But all she could think was ADRIEN FUCKING AGRESTE IS ON TOP OF ME. ADRIEN FUCKING AGRESTE HAS BEEN KISSING ME AND TOUCHING ME AND IS CURRENTLY IN BETWEEN MY LEGS!1!1!!!1!
Holy shit.
Have I stopped breathing?
Am I alive?
Is this a dream?
"Hello?? Marinette?" Adrien was waving a hand in front of her face. His face was the picture of confusion at her sudden loss of brain function and a little bit of trepidation at the decision he just made. Oh shit what have I done? How could I ever think she likes Adrien?? Chat is the better version of myself of course she likes him better. Ugh I'm so stupid if I just think with my brain instead of my dick for once in my goddamn life-
"Chat is Adrien fucking Agreste" she mumbled, "Adrien is Chat." Marinette brought her fingers up to her eyes, rubbing them. Nope, still Adrien. She pinched her self for good measure then regretted it when she let out a little 'ouch'. Then went to pinch him. Adrien stopped her hand. Wrapping his fingers around her dainty wrist.
"What are you doing?"
"Just checking that I'm not DREAMING," Marinette said deliriously.
Adrien sat up, kneeling in front of Marinette on the bed. "I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have.." he scratched the back of his neck, "this probably wasn't who you wanted, I'm sorry.." Marinette sat up too, kneeling in front of him, and feeling ashamed at her inability to function right now. She saw the slight hurt on his face, in his body language. The face he makes when he thinks no one is looking, the slumped shoulders, the sullen look. And that was all she needed to bring her down to Earth. Marinette started laughing.

Miraculous ladybug one shots
ФанфикMore like two shots.. or three. I have a problem. My fantasies coming to life. All the ships all the time. All parts are very random with no structure whatsoever so go to which ever part you want or read them all, it's your choice but have fun! The...