Dark Cupid scene remake, well it started out that way and ended up as something else. Enjoy, and please tell me if there are any spelling mistakes because no matter how many times you read it sometimes you just miss things 😂 also if you want me to continue I might.
---------------------------Chat noir was under dark cupid's control. He hated ladybug with every fibre of his being, just like before he got hit with the arrow when he loved her with every fibre of his being. He could tell he was under dark cupid's control, he could see everything he was doing and everything he was saying but he couldn't stop himself. He didn't want to hurt her but he was made to, no matter what he tried those hateful words kept coming out when all he wanted to do was tell her how much he loved her but he couldn't.
She had stopped fighting, and Chat was very confused as she kept trying to kiss him. He wanted to stop moving and let her but he kept running away, he didn't know why, he just knew that he couldn't let her kiss him.
Ladybug had to break the spell, she had to kiss him that's the only thing that will save him so that they can get the akuma out of the pin and save Paris from all this hate. "No chat hate does not win, only love does," she said trying to get him still so that she could kiss him.
Chat tackled her, "Say goodbye lady bug. You will transform in a few minutes, we will finally get to see who you are." Chat said sitting on top of her with his cataclysm ready. He didn't want to hurt her but somehow he was trying really hard to, suddenly, she reached up and grabbed his face, pulling it down so that their lips met.
He was so shocked at first he just froze but as she kept kissing him, he felt as though a string was breaking within him and he let go of all the hate and loathing and all his previous feelings came rushing back. At this point he closed his eyes leaning into the kiss and drinking it in.
Ladybug could feel chat relax against her lips and her body and she realised that the spell was broken, she should have stopped kissing him at that point but she didn't want to she didn't think that she would like it let alone want to keep doing it. But she had to stop, there was still an akuma to be caught. She let go of chats face and fell back to the floor slightly breathe less. He was looking down at her with so much shock and admiration it stunned ladybug and she held in a gasp being momentarily lost in his green eyes. It looked as though he wanted to say something but in that moment ladybug got up and threw chat at dark Cupid, "The pin chat!! Get the pin!!" She ordered.
Chat complied and leaped into action forgetting about what just happened to focus on fighting dark Cupid. He destroyed his sash and threw the pin to ladybug. "There you go my lady," chat said.
"Oh you shouldn't have," lady bug said sweetly crushing the pin and letting the akuma free. "Time to de-evil-ise..... Gotcha.... Bye bye little butterfly," ladybug had caught the akuma and let it go as an innocent butterfly. They had did it yet again, and saved pairs. "Miraculous ladybug!" She said as she threw the lucky charm into the air returning everything back to normal.
Now that everything was back to normal chat immediately remembered what happened, his lips on ladybugs lips, him hovering over her and how her hands felt against him. He wanted that again, so that he could fully be himself with her and be able to touch her back like he wanted to. He wanted to tell her how he feels just like he was going to do before he saved her from the hate arrow.
"Pound it," they both said at the same time bumping their fists. Ladybug needed to get out of there and clear her head, she was so confused after that kiss, she had never expected it to feel like that, so powerful and like a breathe of fresh air. There was a sort of fire between them that she had barely noticed before and it scared her. She started to walk away.

Miraculous ladybug one shots
Fiksi PenggemarMore like two shots.. or three. I have a problem. My fantasies coming to life. All the ships all the time. All parts are very random with no structure whatsoever so go to which ever part you want or read them all, it's your choice but have fun! The...