Chapter 2: Strange Occurrences

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Twilight Sparkle flapped her wings harder, dashing toward the train station as fast as she could. It was diffucult, carrying all the luggage that would be nessecary for the week's stay in the Crystal Empire. As she approached, the whistle chimed and the conductor yelled. 


Gasping for breath, Twilight grabbed her ticket with her magic and shoved it into the conductor's hoof.

"Please, I need... to catch this train!" Twilight panted.

"Hmmm...." The conductor mumbled. "Fine, get on." 

"Oh, thank you so much!" Twilight made haste in grabbing her suitcases and throwing them into a train compartment. Hopping on the train, she whispered to herself. "Never again will you sleep in before catching a train! All this stress is making you CRAZY!"

The train pulled away from the station, heading towards the Crystal Empire. Twilight watched out the window as Ponyville faded into the distance. The rhytmic sound of the train wheels on the tracks made Twilight's eyes droop. Well, I suppose I could try to take a nap... staying up all night reading every night can't be good for anypony. She laid down and curled up her tail. I won't sleep long...


"Hey, the train's arrived." A hoof poked Twilight's shoulder. "Wha-huh?" Twilight's eyes fluttered open. Oh no! I must have overslept! "I am so sorry! I didn't mean to trouble you!" She sat up quickly and gasped. "Flash Sentry?"

"Hello, Princess Twilight!" The yellow stallion bowed. "I am sorry I had to interupt your slumber, but Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor are leaving soon. I was asked to come get you."

"Oh, of course. What time is it?"

"It's 9:30 at night."

"Well, I guess we should be on our way then." Twilight stood up and grabbed her luggage with her magic. "Well, hehe... let's go then!"

"Go ahead, m'lady," Flash said, bowing at the door. Twilight blushed as she walked out.

After walking out of the train station and down onto the streets, the awkward silence broke.

"Is that... Princess Twilight Sparkle?!?!"

A flock of crystal ponies screamed and ran over to her. "Um, hello?" Twilight smiled with uncertainty.

"OH. MY. GOSH. THE PRINCESS SAID HELLO TO ME!!!!!" One overexcited earth pony yelled.

"No, she said hello to ME!" A pegasus jumped onto the earth pony.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" Soon a pile of ponies squirmed on the pavement. Twilight was dumbstruck, eyes darting back and forth and ponies bit and kicked. "ENOUGH!" Flash Sentry bellowed.

The ponies stopped instantly, staring up at Flash with scared eyes. "Now, if you'll excuse us, we have to get to the castle." He stomped a hoof on the ground. The ponies scattered.

"What was that all about?" Twilight questioned. "Last time I was here, everyone seemed calm and collected."

"Well, ever since King Sombra was defeated and the crystal heart was returned, the ponies of the crystal empire were still trying to catch up with the world. Ya know, because they had been gone 100 years. A lot of crimes have been going on. And with the royal guard so occupied with preparing Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor, its gotten worse." Flash Sentry looked at Twilight. She smiled. 

"I'm sure it will be ok. Ponies will realize what they're doing is wrong, and-"

A scream interuppted her comforting speech.

"C'mon!" Flash jumped into action, pulling his royal guard helmet and suit out of nowhere and zooming into the air. Twilight followed, still carrying her luggage in the magic of her horn. What is going on? That scream... was unsettling. Flash whipped his head around, darting back and forth. "I don't know where it came from!" He said, looking back at Twilight.

The sound of breaking glass raised the tension. The wind stopped blowing. All was still. Twilight desperately looked for a broken window. "There!" she yelled, pointing to a shop. The yellow stallion shot into the store. Twilight waited in the sky, listening to her wingbeats. Her heart beat wildly. I should go help Flash... but I don't know what happened in there... oh no! What if he's in danger? Forgetting her fears, she dove to the ground and left her luggage on the street. "Flash?" she called. The lightbulb of the shop had been knocked out. She tried to see what has happening in the darkness.

"Flash!" Still no answer.

"Flash Sentry!" Twilight jumped into the window searching for her friend. Suddenly a thought dawned on her. What if he was killed by a pony? Or kidnapped? Her ears flattened at the thought.

"Twi? It's ok, I found the pony." Twilight remembered her magic, and lit up the room with her horn.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're okay!" Sidestepping through the broken glass, she ran up and hugged him tightly.

It was then Twilight realized she liked him more than just a friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2014 ⏰

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