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"Are you coming or what?" Nathan's Irish tone rings through the phone an uncomfortably loud volume that makes me cringe and move it away from my ear. I look at the clock next to me to see that it's already ten, "Shit. Sorry." He laughs and says something to someone that I can't make out before I hang up and rush to get dressed and get my ass over there. I slip on my usual white shirt, black jeans, and black boots, brush my teeth, and head to the elevator, deciding to skip breakfast. When I get to the park, there's a small girl talking to Nathan. Her hair is dark, almost black, thrown up in a messy bun. She's wearing a coat because it is quite chilly with a breeze. I can hear Nathan's laugh from so far away and it already pisses me off.

"Being nosy, I see?" I fire at her so she'll piss off. She clears her throat, "I'm actually a tourist-" Suddenly, Nathan bursts into laughter, "Wow. Someone sure woke up on the wrong side of the bed." I roll my eyes, "That's because you woke me up." I step past them, grab my brushes and get started without a word to anyone. "You good?" Donald asks. It annoys me how everyone always suggests that something is wrong when I'm absolutely fucking fine. "I'm fine. I just wish that girl would piss off because it's making Nathan ten times louder than normal." Donald smiles to himself but keeps on working. Eventually, she walks over to me as I'm trying to mix more paint. "Can you tell me where your hotel is?" She asks. "Down the street." I say bluntly. "Okay... Well which one?" I huff and throw my paint down and she jumps. "That one." I point her in the direction in which I came from not too long ago. "Oh, alright. Are there any places to eat around it?" "You know if you would walk over there you might be able to see that there's a café right on the corner." She crosses her arms at furrows her eyebrows, "Well, I'm sorry that you feel the need to be so rude to me when I'm asking simple questions." I roll my eyes, "I'm not looking for distractions. I'm obviously trying to work." She shifts her weight on her legs, but she's seems the least amount of threatening. "I asked you two questions." She fires from light pink lips. I can tell they're covered in some sort of gloss, and I'm surely it's disgustingly sticky. "Two too many." She rolls her eyes and storms away.

I worked my ass off the entire day without stopping for any breaks. The sun finally begins to set, and everyone has stopped working except me, in attempt to get out all my frustration and everything else that's trapped inside my head. The temperature lowers with a bite, and I finally put down my brush. "I think you need a drink." Nolan says to me. I raise my eyebrows. "You drink?" He smiles, "I'm not one for lemonade." I laugh, "I've gotta see this. Let's go." I grab Donald and we walk to the bar. Everyone else decides to follow behind us as Donald and I laugh and make loud and obnoxious jokes, and we haven't even gotten there yet. 

My first step into the bar is overwhelming with loud, thumping music and tons of sweaty people. "That way." Donald points to me over the music. We squeeze through the crowd and Logan orders us the drinks of our choice being he's fluent in the language. The bartender slides me a whiskey on the rocks and I happily bring it up to my lips and take a seat on the stool. I hear Nathan being loud and turn to snap at him, but his brunette friend is back and he's clearly trying to make a move. To my observance, it isn't going very well. She's laughing nervously at his terrible jokes, but I laugh at his awkwardness. I guess she isn't so bad. I didn't really take the time to look at her before. I can't see her figure under all of her lumpy clothes, but she's pretty short. Her face is very nicely shaped, and she has only one dimple on the right side. I can say I've never met anyone that only has one dimple. 

She makes eye contact with me and tenses up, and in return I roll my eyes nonchalantly, hoping my appearance scares her enough for her to not bother coming over here. I'm already on my second glass of whiskey. I lift the cold glass back up to my lips and feel the warm burn slide down my throat and then I set it down with a hiss. My eyes scan everyone in the bar, and I begin to wonder if I should try to talk to anyone who would appeal to me. My idea is quickly shot down when I realize that everyone in here most likely speaks French. I groan and put my head in my hands after nodding at the bartender for another drink. Donald walks over and sits himself right next to me, "So, who are you looking at, tiger?" I laugh while starting my next drink, "No one currently. You?" He lifts his chin and I turn my head to see a skinny yet curvy brunette with her hair fixed in curls. Despite her weight, she has killer curves. She has a nice tan, but I can tell that she's normally decently pale. "Go for her. Ask her if she likes broccoli and point to your hair." Donald laughs and slurs the tiniest bit, "Very fucking funny, asshole." I let out a hearty laugh and he slides off his stool and makes his way over to her. I watch as he says something and points to that hair of his and she laughs and nods. I hide my face as I laugh. What a headass.

I finish my third drink and I'm on to my fourth when Nathan's friend decides to come over and be an unwanted nuisance.

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