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@queencallie: my jungle (forest) man 😍😍 Tags: @kingofthepitch 557278 likes View all comments @kingofthepitch: you said you wouldn't post this! @queencallie: but you look so good here! @andypandy: what happened to him??? @queencallie: well @andypandy he was showing off for Lacy and fell down a muddy hill. Took this after a healer his cuts @andypandy: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 fucking priceless 🤣🤣🤣 @kingofthepitch: I hate you @andypandy and @queencallie I'm not talking to you @queencallie: 😣😣😭😭😭😣😩😩💔💔 @kittykat: I'm coming with the ice cream bby' @queencallie we don't need no men @queencallie: I love you @kittykat