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@thealmightyginge: I let @averyandrews dye and play with my hair. It's darker red now and she made it all fluffy 😂 Tags: @averyandrews 3432 likes View all comments @averyandrews: you said you liked what I did! @aleeshamatheson: looking good Hugo! @harperrrrrr: damn boy! I leave for five minutes and you dye your hair 😂😂 @finleyfrance: you suit it Hugo @thealmightyginge: thank @aleeshamatheson and @finleyfrance @thealmightyginge: shut up @harperrrrrr . @averyandrews I do like it. I love it. @averyandrews: you have the fluffiest hair! @harperrrrrr: you guys are so in love! @thealmightyginge: so are you and @finleyfrance @harperrrrrr @aleeshamatheson: just date already!