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'I like you Gilbert'  his words kept replaying in my head as I tossed and turned in the bed I couldn't go to sleep, I can barely even think straight, and it was all because of 4 little words. except it wasn't the words that had me completely shook it was who said those words. Kol . 'Okay Vanessa you need a glass of water .'  I slowly get up looking over to the bed beside mine. Rebekah's still sound asleep. Slowly opening the door and walking out of her room, I head to the kitchen where there's a about 20 candles on the counter from last nights "movie night" .

"incendia" I whisper attempting to light one of the candles . Nothing.  I exhale in frusturation I can't even light a simple candle, I lerned to do that when i was six. " Toddlers can do better magic than I can." I mutter rubbing my temples.

"You're not wrong there darling" a husky voice chuckles from behind me causes me to jump and turn around. 

"Kol" I let out a breath of relief. He begings to walk towards me.

" So tell me why can't you light a simple candle" he asked with a smirk growing on his face chuckling. 

"It's not funny! I can't think straight for some reason. I couldn't go to sleep and now I can't even do magic!" 

He just looks straight into my eyes and continues to walk closer to me until we are less than inches apart. I feel it again deep in my stomach, this fluttering feeling. I swallow hard to try make it go away, but it didn't .

"Here" he whispers into my ear turning my body around so that my back is on his bare chest. His hands begin to trail down to my arms. My heart begins to race and I know he is able to hear it because I myself could hear it. He chuckles, knowing the effect he has on me, "take a deep breath and say the words slowly. When you say it you want to be able to feel the magic traveling and leaving your whole body as you say it."

I take two deep breaths and let out the words slowly,"incendia" this time it was different. I didn't just feel the magic, it was more than that. I could quite literally feel it at my fingertips. The magic at my fingertips, that familiar tingling sensation I get whenever I cast a spell. Shyly I reopen my eyes and it wasn't just the candle I was attempting to light that were lit, it was all of them. All of the candles in the kitchen were lit. 

"See? Maybe you can do magic better than a six year old" Kol jokes. I turn around placing my hands on his chest, and looking up at him.

"Thanks." I say letting out a smile.

After about 10 seconds of just looking at one another he clears his throat and responds," Yeah- um no problem." Hearing the disappointment in his voice just makes me wanna go back to Rebekah's room.

"Well goodnight" I reply back with sadness clearly, but accidentally showing in my voice. He just simply responds with ''night''. I begin to walk to Rebekah's room when I feel a strong pair of hands wrap around my waist and pull me back. Before I have any idea of what's going on, I feel Kol press his lips against mine.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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