Previously, on "Stitchers" His father is James Miller, the man behind the $3 billion Ponzi scheme that wiped out how many people's life savings? He died.
The funeral was yesterday.
Kirsten, meet my brother.
You can take the girl out of the trailer, - but you can't take the trash - What the hell is wrong with you? Amanda, go! (grunting) - Thanks for saving my life.
- I was just so afraid of losing you.
Camille: My life makes sense with you in it.
- Are you still working with Stinger? - No.
I am not working with my father.
I know where my mother is.
I didn't feel right about keeping that from you.
Cameron: Inside that cabinet, there's a device that's connected to how our cases get picked.
Remember how I said I'd help you save your mother? I meant it.
We both have criminal, absent, pathetic fathers.
Except the only difference is you're desperate to find yours and all I want to do is forget mine.
- (knocking) - Man: Cameron? (door opens) Guess what I have? What? Early Spielberg.
"Duel," "The Sugarland Express," and please don't tell your mother, "Jaws.
" Thanks.
Why the face? Richie Freedman wanted to come over.
Mom said no.
Can he please come over, Dad? You had heart surgery, Cam.
Richie's a great guy, he's a lot of fun, but when the two of you get going You still gotta take it easy.
For how long? It's been over a year! Everything is gonna be great one day, Cam.
I promise you.
(buzzer sounds) Excuse me, sir.
Any word on James Miller? It's been two hours.
He's been told you're here.
Man on P.
: Attention.
Code 1.
I have code 1A, Area 5.
- Sorry, sir.
You need to leave.
- What's going on? Fire alarm.
Man on P.
: All visitors proceed to the nearest exit.
It's just weird, you know? Yeah, I didn't even know you wanted to see him.
It's been, what 13 years? - Fourteen.
- Hm.
- So, why now? - I don't know.
I guess Linus's father dying affected me more than I realized.
Or feelings for you are making me want to reach out to my family.
That's sweet.
Well, not so sweet that he wanted to see me.
Well, look.
It's a prison.
The delay could have been anything.
I don't know.
Maybe it was just a stupid idea to go in the first place.
(phone ringing) Hey, what's up? Welcome back.
I need everyone back here.
Okay, but why don't you text like usual? - Why the call? - Something has happened to your father.
He's under lockdown.
We have a new case that requires us to break protocol.
Oh good, we haven't pissed off the NSA in hours.
- Not now, Camille.
- What's up? - Fisher? - Victim is Gary Parsons, 55.
A veteran officer with the Federal Bureau of Prisons.
Had a clean record and a history of commendations until he was killed earlier today.
By James Miller.
(theme music playing) Take me inside Take me inside Dude.
That doesn't make any sense.
I was just there.
Now, Miller claims that Parsons attacked him without provocation and that he killed him in self-defense.
The area of the attack had no witnesses and no cameras.
If convicted, the killing of a federal prison guard is the death penalty.
I've used my authority to order a stitch into Parsons.
Let's find out what really happened and why.
I'm in the prison.
Parsons is friendly, well-liked.
- By the inmates or other guards? - Everyone.
Miller's helping younger inmates.
Looks like he's teaching them math, or accounting.
I guess cheating investors out of $3 billion qualifies you to teach.
- Jimbo.
- Gary.
- You got a moment? - Yeah, you bet.
They're in Miller's cell.
- The wife's lasagna.
- Oh - I know it's your favorite.
- Thanks, Gary.
Thanks for saving us on that tax return.
They're friends.
They do each other favors.
Hey! Welcome back! Did I hear total remission? Can you believe it? Kirsten: Parsons was out a while.
Cancer it sounds like.
Miller was happy to see him.
- That's good news.
- It's good to be back.
- I found an earlier hot spot.
- Stand by.
Moving you.
Man on phone: If Bruce tries to get to Miller, - I need to know right away.
- Sure.
- He's on the phone to someone.
- Can you tell who? Adult male.
He wants a warning if someone named Bruce ever tries to get to Miller.
Bruce seems to be some kind of threat.
Found another memory hot spot.
I think Miller's in this one, too.
- Moving you again.
- He's back in his cell.
Your son's still waiting.
What do I tell him? Don't tell him anything.
Just let him go home.
(echoing) - What's going on? - Nothing.
We're running out of time.
Okay, I'm moving you to the death memory.
(power surge) I'm back where Parsons was on his cell.
Miller's with him.
She didn't say who it was, just that she'd call back in five.
How did she get your number? Jimbo, I'm sorry.
(shouting) - Gary! - (grunts) I'm making a bounce! Your father was telling the truth.
It was self-defense.
Parsons attacked first.
- Why? - I don't know, but maybe Bruce does? - Hey.
- Mm? Can you maybe help a girl out? - With what? - With not, uh, totally freaking out? - Trouble in paradise? - Paradise in paradise.
So, everything's great with you and Amanda? It's better than great.
- But - You're waiting for the shoe to drop.
I'm a dropper, not the dropee, typically.
- You're scared.
- Well, yeah.
Though I did just take down a Lucky Charms Luna-bitch armed with a kitchen knife.
But that I know how to do.
This is scarier.
Then get your head out of your ass and just be the person you are inside.
That sounds like a nightmare.
Why do they ask me for advice? Oh, God.
Still texting with Ivy? More like to Ivy.
How many times did you text her without a response? Linus, when a girl doesn't text you back right away you don't just keep Are you kidding me? One, two, three.
Scary stalker.
Run-for-your-life stalker.
I'm just worried something happened to her.
Unless I'm coming off too strong.
I can do that sometimes.
It turns some people off.
(door closes) Linus.
Not again.
Principal Bruckner says you've been showing off to the other boys? Bragging that you know Pi to 175 digits.
One-hundred and eighty-five, Papa.
Maybe I need to act stupid, then they would like me.
Linus there's something I have to tell you.
Your mother and I have been offered jobs in Los Angeles.
You will have everything there.
A nice house.
A new school.
And friends? Will I have friends there? You will have all the friends you want.
I'd be happy with one.
Maybe you and Ivy just aren't such a good idea.
I thought you were starting to like her.
I don't really know her.
And neither do you.
(knocking) - You wanted to see me? - You must be relieved.
What, that my father didn't do it? Yeah.
Yeah, I am.
But for a while there, I thought maybe he did.
I don't really know him anymore, you know? Well, hopefully that'll change.
So, lets talk about what happened while I was away.
You mean, like, the two cases solved and how the lab didn't blow up? You wanna tell me why you had Camille run a few of the stitches? It's funny, I don't remember putting that in the report.
Maggie sees all.
I was just working through some, um concerns I had over Kirsten's safety.
I didn't want it to affect the stitch, so I had Camille step in.
- Okay, my turn.
- For what? Maggie sees all, but Cameron hears all, especially electronic sounds coming from inside that cabinet.
So what's the dealio with the magical mystery box? - You broke in.
- You say, "broke in," I say, "keyed in the six-digit unlock code.
" Point is, I know it has to do with how our cases are picked.
So come on, Maggie.
Boss to interim boss, who's on the other end picking our cases? - It's classified.
- We all know why our cases are picked.
If I only knew who did the picking, I could talk to them.
I could adjust the way we stitch, speed up the process, get Kirsten's mom out of that damn cryogenic tank she's cooped up in.
Do you know how hard it is for Kirsten to keep seeing her mother like that? And where exactly does Kirsten see Jacqueline Stinger "cooped up"? How long has Kirsten known where her mother is? Fisher: How many people did Cameron's dad screw over? Hundreds, but people he stole from with the name "Bruce?" - Fewer than ten.
- That's still a lot of angry Bruces.
That's why I'm cross-referencing their names against the percentage of savings lost along with any record of death threats against Miller, which narrows our suspects to A much more manageable two.
Looks like one of them died two years ago, leaving us with Scott Bruce.
Last known address is outside Palmdale.
Looks like he invested every penny.
The house, the pension, he lost it all.
- Divorced twelve years ago.
- He must really hate Miller.
Guys, Gary Parsons was diagnosed with Stage 3 melanoma last year.
And while he was in remission, he still had a mountain of medical bills.
He was about to file for bankruptcy and then that all changed when miraculously, two days ago, his bills were paid.
So someone paid off Parsons to kill Miller.
Scott Bruce? You think Bruce squirreled away enough money to pay off Parsons? Let's find out.
Hey, you wanna help me interrogate a 70-something potential killer? Fishy.
You always know just what to get me.
Yo, bro, what happened? Maggie happened.
You look pale.
- What's wrong? - Oh, I'm fine.
I just, uh I just need to figure out a way to see my dad and find out what really happened.
Camille and Fisher just left to talk to somebody who might be the Bruce we're looking for.
I'll bet my father knows who Bruce is.
I should go talk to him.
I saw your father tell Parsons he didn't want to see you.
Are we sure this is the place? GPS, WAZE and my police scanner can't all be wrong.
Come on.
Are you okay? Are you hurt? Do you need help? I broke my bike.
It was my birthday present, and I broke it.
They can't afford it, but they knew how much I wanted it.
How am I gonna tell them I broke it? Don't worry, honey.
This should be more than enough to get it fixed.
I'm not allowed to take money from strangers.
It's okay, sweetie, this time.
You're the nicest person I ever met.
You know, just in case fifty's not enough.
Thank you.
(siren blips) Oh, hell.
(sirens continue) Possession of marijuana with intent to distribute is up to six months and a $500 fine.
(sighs) (gate opens, closes) - Camille: Scott Bruce? - Yes.
Bruce, I'm Detective Quincy Fisher, this is Agent Engelson of the NSA.
We'd like to talk to you about James Miller.
Is he in trouble again? Maybe.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I owe my life to Jim Miller.
What? I'm sorry, didn't he steal, like, all your money? (laughs) He did.
Either of you fish? A little.
This is a deceiver fly.
The bass lock onto it, the same way I used to lock onto money.
Oh, come on now, you're not really going with a fishing analogy, are you? All I'm saying is before Miller, all I cared about was the almighty dollar.
Well, sure, but you must have been - pissed when you lost it all, right? - Of course.
But I made the choice to invest with him, I got caught up in his claims of unrealistic returns.
At some point, I had to own up to my own greed.
That forced me to change.
I got remarried, downsized, and now I live a much simpler, much better life.
Thanks to Jim Miller, I finally started to care about what really matters.
Thank you for your time.
Sorry to bother you.
No worries.
I hope Jim's okay.
Tell me you're not buying this.
Deceiver fly? - What are we doing? - He seems happy to me.
No one's happy in a trailer park.
No way that guy squirreled away enough money to pay off Parsons' medical bills.
He's not our Bruce.
Let's go.
(knocking) - You wanted to see me? - Yeah, come on in.
Take a seat.
This isn't a trip to the principal's office, is it? - Ha! Not yet.
- Okay - How are things going with Ivy? - Isn't that private? No, not really.
Look, I know that she helped with the team - I know you don't trust her - If you'd let me finish, I said, I know that she helped with the team, which is why I am considering letting her work with us.
- Really? - Yes, of course she has to be vetted and cleared first.
I mean, nothing is guaranteed, but I am willing to start the process.
I just wanted you to know.
Don't make me regret it.
I know you won't.
(phone chimes) So, I'm thinking about going and seeing my mom tomorrow.
You want to come? Sure.
You're quiet tonight.
Yeah, there's a lot on my mind with my dad and Maggie coming back.
I hope she appreciates how you handed back the keys to the lab without a single dent.
Actually, she was more concerned about me turning over some of the stitches to Camille.
Well, that was only two of them.
Well, I handled that one okay, I think.
It's just, um, then I asked her about the cube and the credenza, and who's selecting our cases, and, uh you know, because I wanted to find out for you.
What did she say? Nothing helpful, so I pressed her Were you guys gonna use this? What am I saying.
So, I'm sorry to report Scott Bruce was a bust.
Apparently the man is perfectly happy with his trailer park existence.
No accounting for taste.
So it looks like he's not the Bruce Parsons was talking about.
Plus, all Parsons' medical bills were paid from an offshore account which is proving to be impossible to source, even for me.
So, dead end? Well, until Miss "Eggshell Blue" here can stitch back into Parsons.
The head trauma's giving us over a day left on the refractory period.
And for your information, this is "Ice Blue.
" Again, no accounting for taste.
Go talk to your dad.
Just ask him who Bruce is.
We're NSA, we have badges.
He doesn't want to talk to me.
And if anyone hears that Miller's been talking to the NSA, they'll think he's a snitch.
Which can really shorten your prison time.
The only person that can safely talk to Cameron's father right now is his lawyer.
Well, Counselor.
(buzzer sounds) He said my lawyer was here to see me.
You're not the only one who can pull off a scam.
Okay, look just so you know, there are a lot of things I want to say to you right now.
But for now, I'll just say this.
I work for the government, and I am here to help you.
Hold on.
You work for the government? I-I thought you were a PhD.
Oh, so you have been keeping tabs on me.
- You're my son.
- You remember.
Okay, I get that you're angry.
You have no idea how I feel.
Why would you? You haven't picked up a phone in fourteen years.
Cameron, it's complicated.
- I need you to leave now.
- No.
Not until you help me make it less complicated.
I know all about Parsons.
Why'd he attack you? Who's Bruce? Bruce? What are you talking about? Can you think of anyone who might've paid Parsons to kill you? Okay, we're done here.
One more question.
Where'd you put the money? After you were caught all the money was accounted for except for thirty million.
- Where did you hide it? - Leave.
Cameron, it's for your own good.
Because you've always done such a good job of protecting me.
- (loud bang) - (shouting) Dad! James Miller, Joe Zeiss, Securities and Exchange Commission.
You're under arrest for securities fraud, investment adviser fraud, mail fraud, wire fraud, three counts of money laundering, and false filings with the U.
Securities and Exchange Commission.
- Dad! What's happening? - Get your hands off my son.
- Let go of me! - Where's his mother? - She's at work.
- Don't hurt him! Cam, I'm fine.
Please calm down.
He just had heart surgery.
- Let go of my dad! - All right, everyone just relax.
Cameron, everything's going to be okay.
We're calling your mom and a nice lady from the police is gonna stay with you until she gets here.
What are you doing with my dad? We just have to take him down to the police station because we need to ask him a few questions.
Dad, did you do something wrong? I'm done here.
(buzzer sounds) Miller just had a visit from his lawyer.
I thought Miller could do better.
The kid looks a little green.
Man on phone: Describe him.
White male, twenties, big hair.
Man: That wasn't his lawyer.
Maybe we should just call it? Call who now? Girl, you're so far away I need a passport to reach you.
I'm sorry.
It's this case I'm on right now.
It's just It's bringing up a lot of really bad memories.
Bad memories of what? Oh, God.
Why do you like me? (chuckles) Wow.
These memories must be potent.
No, I'm serious.
Why do you like me? Like why does anyone, you know? I'm sarcastic and cynical and not very nice.
Fine, I'll play.
- You're beautiful.
- Ugh And smart.
And funny.
And you're kinder than you think.
- You're honest.
- I'm not, though.
I hide how I feel all the time.
Not with me.
Maybe that just proves how good I am at scamming people.
Are you deliberately trying to sabotage this? No.
(sighs) I've never seen this side of you.
Well, this is me.
Welcome to the sideshow.
I've known lots of people who are afraid of getting close, getting hurt.
And you all do the same thing.
- You push people away.
- (door opens) Hey, Kirsten.
Sorry, I gotta go.
Call me if you want.
(door closes) I'm sorry, did I just walk in on something? You think? You know, sometimes you can be a little bit of a bully.
Well sometimes you can be a little bit of a stupid.
Excuse me? (exhales) You know, Kirsten, believe it or not, there are days when I actually miss the old "feelings challenged" you, because now you have this, like, huge emotional blindspot, where, when it comes to certain people, you actually care too much.
Certain people? Why aren't you more suspicious of Ivy? Yeah, she says she's done with Stinger, but those are just words.
News flash, Princess, out here in the real world, people lie.
People lie all the time.
Cop: Possession of marijuana with intent to distribute is up to six months and a $500 fine.
I told you, it's not mine.
I was holding it for someone.
Really? Who? Me.
It's mine.
Quiet, Milly.
Don't listen to her.
- How old are you? - Twelve.
Don't do this.
I'm the big brother, let me take care of you.
Come on, all right.
- Now, look at me.
- Don't tell her anything.
Shut up! Are you telling me the truth? Is this really yours? - Where'd you get it? - Found it.
Out by the road.
If I get another call about you loitering Yeah, okay, Officer.
And next time you cross the line, I will arrest you, no matter how young you are.
It's pretty stupid of you, letting yourself get arrested to protect your sister.
Brave stupid.
Look out for her.
(car engine starts) - (laughs) -You really screwed up this time! - You could have been arrested! - Why? It's your pot.
You're so lucky I covered for you.
Stop smoking that crap, it's making you dumb.
- Where you going? - Away from you, loser.
Yeah, where you gonna go? To the friends you don't have? Nobody likes you, Milly.
Deal with it.
People lie all the time.
Why can't you see that? She's my sister, and I'm supposed to protect her.
Ivy is an adult.
She doesn't need her baby sister protecting her.
- (knocking) - It's unlocked.
Hey, man, sorry for the last-minute text.
Dude, it's me.
You don't have to apologize.
- Leftover risotto? - I'm good, thanks.
I don't have much of an appetite.
- Okay, touch of the grape? - That I can do.
- So, what's up? - Ivy.
- Dude - I know.
Look, I know.
Just things were going great and then all of a sudden she started ghosting me.
- I don't know what to do.
- (scoffs) Well I've been on a roller coaster with Kirsten since day one, so I'm probably the worst person to ask.
How did things go with your dad today? I don't know, not well.
I offered to help him, and he told me to leave.
I'm so sorry, man.
It's okay.
It just It just makes me realize, you know, what you had with your dad, and I realize how much you must miss him.
Linus Linus Not again.
What happened? The upperclassmen.
They don't like a fifth grader being smarter than them.
- Were you showing off again? - No.
They jumped me for my notes.
It's not worth it.
Don't fight them, Linus.
Just give them the notes! But they're my notes.
I did the work, not them.
It's just like it was in Michigan.
Everybody hates me here.
It's okay, Linus.
Things will get better.
And until then, you'll always have your mother and me.
I don't want you.
I want friends.
(laughing) Easy there, buddy.
All right, heads or tails? Uh let's go heads.
All right, heads it is.
You go, I pay.
(knocking) That was fast.
Hey! What You saw James Miller today.
What did he tell Who? I don't know who you're talking about.
(grunts) - What did he tell you? - Nothing! Hey, let him go! (grunting) - Yo, dude.
Are you all right? - Yeah, I'm fine.
- What was that? - They knew I saw my dad today.
They wanted to know what he told me.
I didn't tell them.
Yeah, yeah.
You're smart.
- That was pretty bad-ass.
- (laughs) Maybe next time, you pay, I go, huh? Deal.
Kirsten: Someone really doesn't want you talking to your father.
Or they want you talking so they can get information.
Or Camille's just saying that so she can disagree with me.
Not everything's about you, Princess.
I think they're just after the mountain of Ponzi cash - they assume my dad's sitting on.
- That makes sense.
I just don't know how they're connected to Parsons.
- Any thoughts, "Sister of the Year"? - Let it go.
Dude, there is a current of subtext flowing through here like hot molten magma.
Let's disperse.
Kirsten: No, stay right there.
I want you both to hear this.
I am not picking between my friend and my sister.
I didn't ask you to.
Good, because Maggie is thinking about giving Ivy a chance with all of us.
Really? (scoffs) I can't even.
What is that about? Ah, nothing.
Just a little tension in the team.
Does Kirsten know that you told me about her mother? No, I haven't told her yet.
Maybe it's best that you don't.
(computer keys clacking) So, Ivy, huh? Look, I'm sorry, Linus.
Kirsten and I are having a thing.
And Amanda and I are having a thing, and now I guess you and I are having yet another thing.
(laughs quietly) There's that killer Ahluwalia smile.
Is Ivy still radio silent? Yeah.
Well, sometimes people just need space.
Amanda's been ghosting me all morning.
It'll pass.
You think so? Yeah, if we can both stop acting like such idiots.
Look, I'm not doing anything until you make good on your promise.
Kirsten: Parsons is meeting some guy in a Benz in a parking lot.
Banker type.
Your medical bills will be paid by the end of the day.
It's the guy who paid Parsons' medical bills.
The guy who paid to have my father killed? Can you get the license plate number? Not yet.
Parsons is standing next to the car.
He might not have seen the plates.
I think Parsons' head injury is affecting the stitch.
- She's slipping in and out of sync.
- Try to lock it down.
Got it.
You'll be in remission and debt free.
Not a bad way to live, as long as you hold up your end.
- (tires squealing) - Kirsten: Guy's driving off.
Get the plates.
Sorry, too late.
I'm in another memory.
I'm in the prison, I think.
It's hard to see.
- Try now.
- How's it looking, Shawshank? Parsons is calling someone.
Yeah, uh Bruce is here to see Miller.
Want me to get him out of here? Yeah, this is Parsons in Area 5.
Code 1A.
Yeah, I'm smelling smoke down here.
- Sync is out.
- I'm bouncing.
Okay, that was weird.
Parsons' head injury made it hard to hold sync.
No, not that.
Bruce tried to visit Miller in prison, but Miller wouldn't see him.
And to make sure that Bruce left, Parsons called in a fire alarm.
Dad, did you do something wrong? (police chatter over radio) I see you like Batman.
You know, you're being so brave right now, it reminds me of Bruce Wayne.
You know what? That's what I'm gonna call you.
I'm Bruce.
So, if Bruce is Cameron, then the caller who asked Parsons to watch out for Cameron must be the guy from the SEC.
It's Joe Zeiss, their top gun out of DC.
He nailed a bunch of mega-scumbags, then retired to Calabasas right after Miller's trial.
- That's him.
- And with a beard and fourteen years, the same guy I saw in the stitch.
But why would he care if I came to see my father? I can think of thirty-million missing reasons.
Zeiss stole the money, hid it, then blackmailed your father into taking the blame in exchange for your safety.
We did some checking.
Zeiss is on a convenient business trip, - but he gets back tomorrow.
- Then that's when we will arrest him.
- What about my father? - Bring Miller in, make sure he's safe.
You look well.
What part of stop texting, stop calling, stop harassing me, don't you understand? Come on.
We're family.
We're all each other has.
That is not true.
I have a sister have friends.
I have a brilliant young man who loves me, but who I haven't spoken to in days because I'm afraid if he finds out you've been talking to me he won't trust me anymore.
Listen to me, I know exactly how Maggie Baptiste thinks.
She's using Linus to get to you, to get to me.
But I'm smarter than she is.
That's why I want you to stay close to Linus.
Make him trust you.
Help us find out where Jacqueline is.
How do you think your new friends would feel if they found out who was really behind the Young Cameron anomaly? Get out of my apartment.
(door closes) Where am I? Someplace safe.
Somewhere Joe Zeiss can't try to have you killed again.
Look, I know the truth.
I know Zeiss skimmed the $30 million and pinned it on you.
I know he threatened to kill me if you ever told anyone the truth, and you did an extra seven years because of it.
Tomorrow, Joe Zeiss is gonna be arrested.
And I'm gonna do it myself.
You can arrest people? I thought you were a government scientist.
There's a lot about me from the last 14 years you don't know.
When you were sick, and it looked like your mother and I were going to lose you, you have no idea what that did to me.
And the thought that that bastard Zeiss was out there watching you, that he might hurt you - You don't have to protect me anymore.
- I don't know how to stop.
Look, the prosecutors are reviewing your case.
Any of this might lead the way to a reduced sentence.
I made some mistakes, Cam.
I never set out to hurt anyone.
And then I got in too deep before I could make the investors whole again.
I'm just so embarrassed for you to see me like this.
I deserve to be in jail for what I did.
But not for what you didn't.
(suspenseful music playing) - She's gone! - Whoa.
Who's gone? My mother.
Her chamber, the computers, the monitors everything is just gone.
Stinger must have found her.
God, that son of a bitch! Kristen, just calm down.
It wasn't it wasn't Stinger.
- It was Maggie.
- Maggie didn't know where she was! What did you do? I was just talking to Maggie and it It slipped.
It slipped? My mother's location just slipped out? - Kirsten - I trusted you, Cameron, with the most important thing in the world.
How could you betray me? Kirsten, I didn't mean to.
I just Can be please talk? Hey.
Listen to me.
Just stay, please.
Right now, I wouldn't want to be with you even if I could.
- Where are you going? - To be with someone that I trust.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Thanks for coming.
I'm, uh I'm Sorry about the other night? Yeah.
(laughs) God, am I really that much of a cliche? No, you're just that much of a human being.
I'm sorry I walked out.
Me, too.
I kind of really took it out on Kirsten.
I guess I owe her an apology.
Oh, please.
Get in line.
Amanda, this whole thing with us the whole "take off your armor and bare your soul" thing, it's new to me.
I'm bad at it.
It's really scary but it's so great, because I just think I think you're so awesome and the way you make me feel when I'm with you and I just I really uh Really? I really think you are worth taking a shot on.
"Worth taking a shot on"? Yeah.
(scoffs) You just don't get it.
What? I don't want to be anyone's shot.
(sobbing) (sobbing continues) Nice place.
Zeiss knows how to spend other people's money.
- You ready for this? - Let's get him.
- All right.
- (knocking) Hi.
What's your name? - Andrew.
- Andrew.
Is your dad home? Not now.
What's up? Not in front of his son.
You sure? Hey, Andrew.
I think we have the wrong address.
Pick up all the pieces And patch it where I'm bleeding I see you come in flashes These moments and the meaning But I can see your name on These postcards from Eden And everywhere I look I see your hand It writes a perfect story - Over all my precious plans - (sobbing) (grunts) something big when I feel small And taste of Hey, Ivy.
It's me.
Look, I'm not sure what's going on here, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm here for you whenever you need me to be.
And I wanted you to know that I'm your friend.
(phone beeps)
Stitchers Script
Детектив / ТриллерStitchers follows Kirsten, who has been recruited into a government agency to be "stitched" into the memories of people recently deceased to investigate murders and mysteries that otherwise would have gone unsolved. Cameron, a brilliant neuro-scient...