I'm a pretty girl

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Know one knows that I'm a pretty girl they don't realize the fact that I'm sexy and unique I'm the girl who goes to Frankford high school in Philadelphia,Pennsylvania
I learned to be the girl that some one wants but they can't have me cause I'm to fragile and dangerous cause of I'm a Scorpio born October 28/1999 everything has changed I cut my hair long and became short an blond that's the pics of me long an short up top
I'm the prettiest girl that someone who loves me some boy that I could fall in love with will make my day and he has to be cute ok and I just wish but everyone is jealous so
They can't be me I can't be them everyday is a new day with another dollar an old saying that comes and goes
I'm always scared to run around the block an other streets to cause I'm always afraid to get bullied again a dim just scared of that and having depression and what I'm scared to death to die always. I'm the prettiest girl that's afraid of it all did not have a boyfriend since at all only 11th grade tho and when I was in 10th people just were the people who wasn't really my friend Damian and his friends recorded me kissing someone at gym and I just felt like I was invisible but my life was over and my family still cares bout me but yet they still getting on my case bout this an that an they talk over me when I'm talking you can never know how much of the pretty girl I am.

I don't an can't be normal I'm just wanting to be a person who everyone noticed an everyday people think I'm hot sometimes and the thing the ugly true I will tell you but keep it to ur self or you will be cursed under stand good

Iris the girl thinks that I'm a slut ok ok true because I'm not who you think I am I'm pretty and hot but only thing that I been hiding is the ugly truth ready I dated a lot of guys lol just like iris said but I know that is not true tho dated just four guys that was it and everyone knows that I'm thick not fat so but yet when I get called fat I stand up for my self any way so .

Part 2 - people are not invisible like I am tho the pretty girl that does stuff for some one but uses me tho
Dave was a dick and he mad me angry that I crystal cried on my friends lap at lunch he was just oh no to me josh and his friend tommy sauceda they were oh no to me but I had a crush on tommy but it was to late that he started to ask me out I didn't know that he liked me at first I'm so sorry I screwed up tom.

🌹😘💋❤️🐶 love it the pretty girl always that's me it's ever lasting for girls that crave a mans soul and body
But half of men are taking its very sad that they are taken a picture with pretty glitchy glitter on a love note to Carol Lynn wurst that rote to her self dear me if I don't have any one to notice me or have a bf I'm the ugly pretty liar and by 12 no one will ever get the notice of me again WARNING this is not a the person that I was to be/ next book coming soon called strong 💋 love ya guys .

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2017 ⏰

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