chapter 2 A BIG ARGUMENT

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I walked up to Rick and Daryl."Hey where's Daryl going" i asked "He's going out hunting and getting supplies for the camp Lori needs some more clothes shes getting to big for her other ones,and i asked him if he could get stuff for the baby like formula" Rick informed me. I gave a confused look and asked "Why would you ask for baby stuff and for things for Lori?She cheated on you and that baby isn't yours Rick its Shane's for gods sake"!"Don't you think i know its Shane's and not MINE! I still care about Lori and still that's Carl's sister no matter what, so i'm still going to get stuff for Lori and the baby."Rick stated firmly."Okay Okay i will go calm you tit's man." I laughed, although Rick didn't think it was very funny but Daryl cracked a smile. I can't remember the last time i heard him laugh i know it was way before this fucked up thing happened.Daryl got on his Motorcycle while i got on mine. Yeah i know what your thinking How the hell does a 14 year old know how to drive a Motorcycle.My brother taught me when i was 12 if i needed to get away from dad or go to what used to be our special place. It was a waterfall Daryl and Merle found when they went hunting when i was 6.

We left the camping place that we set up because Hershel's farm was over-run with damn walkers.When we finally made it to a little shopping center. We got off our bikes and headed to the first shop with our cross-bows and a knife. I went up to the door and hit it four times to see if any walkers would come out so we could hurry up and kill them.About 6 walkers came out and I killed four and Daryl killed two. Their disgusting blood staining my leather jacket when i stabbed one in the head the others i shot with my bow. I went up and collected my arrows  and wiped their blood off on my jeans. Daryl insisted he went first so i a went in after him there was two zombies stuck so we stabbed them in the head. We ended up in what was a little grocery shop. We got all the food we could that was left.

Next we went into a Walmart. After we cleared the place of zombies I went into the maternity clothes and got all of the good clothes i could. I went into the teens to look for some clothes for me and Beth. I found 10 sweaters and sweats,some cute clothes for Beth and for me i got 6 pairs of combat boots,about 20 jeans and T's, and alot of leather jackets surprisingly. next i went into the boys teens section for Carl i got him some jeans and T's also and some new boots. Next I went to find Daryl while i was doing that he was getting stuff for the baby such as formula,clothes, and baby food. When i finally found him he had everything the baby would need a crib,small bed birpies, everything. We decided it was time to head back so we got on our motorcycles and headed back to the camp.

When we got their i gave Carl the things i got him. although i kept  6 things they where comic books I'm going to give him for his late birthday present. Next I went to Beth a gave her all of her stuff. After that i went to go look for Lori. When i found her she was with Shane. Disgusted i just went up to them and pulled them apart because they where kissing and dumped all of the stuff we got for her in her and Shane's arms.I sneered at them and left them there stunned that they got caught their faces red in embarrassment.I smirked and laughed at them and their faces. All of a sudden Shane came up to me smirking and slapped me i screamed and looked at him with wide eye's. Then after that he punched me in the jaw i screamed again in agony.I guess the others heard at the camp because Carl,Rick,Daryl, and Beth came to see what was going on. Wright when they came into view Shane punched me in the jaw again and i whimpered now scared of Shane.Daryl automatically came and got between me and Shane. Carl came next he came and took me over by a tree and calmed me down. I looked up to see Daryl in Shane's face telling him that if he ever touched me again he would regret it


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