Secret Admirer

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A knock on your door woke you up from your deep sleep. You sit up in your bed and yawn. You put a fur on and answer the door only to see nobody there. You look down at your feet at a paper that's folded nicely along with a white flower. You pick the note up and the flower, unfolding the note.

It read, "My dearest (Y/N), I hope you slept well. This flower is the most beautiful in all of Winterfell, yet the beauty of this flower does not surpass the beauty you withhold."

You smile at the note, wondering who wrote it, as well as who brought you the flower. You fold the note back up, enter your chamber, set the flower in a vase, and get ready for your day.

*time skip*

You walk into the corridor to be greeted by Robb. He smiles at you and offers his arm to you, "Good morning, (Y/N). I trust you slept well?"

"I did, thank you, My Lord." You bow your head and smile, thinking about the note again.

You walk down the corridor, into the garden. You see Jon, who greets you with a smile. You smile back at him, blushing at his great looks.

"Good morning, (Y/N)." Jon's voice is like music to your ears. It fills your head and makes you giddy at the same time.

"Good morning, My Lord." You bow your head and smile more.

You notice that Jon gives Robb an unreadable look; you wonder what it means. You look at Robb who doesn't notice Jon's look at all. You two continue to walk through the garden for a little while longer before your stomach grumbles. Realizing what time it was, you give Robb an apologetic look,

"I'm deeply sorry, My Lord, but I must go."

"Shall I walk you to your chambers then, (Y/N)?"

"That would be lovely." You smile and take his arm again.

Robb walks you back to your chambers, the two of you take your time.

"Until the next time, (Y/N)?"

"Of course, My Lord." You smile at him once again, letting go of his arm, and you walk into your chambers.

You lay down on your bed with a piece of bread in your hands. You forget about the note you received earlier that day, the thoughts replaced with Jon. He was all you could possibly think about. You took a piece of bread and ate it, chewing slowly. You hear a knock at the door and you see a smiling Jon Snow holding a bouquet of the same type of flower as the one that was at your door that morning.

"Good day, (Y/N)." Jon hands you the bouquet quickly, his whole nature seemed nervous.

"Jon?" You question the man standing at your door.

"(Y/N)?" Jon questions back too quickly for his normal personality.

"Were you the one who left the note and the flower?" You look at the bouquet.

"Yes, My Lady. I meant every word." You smile at Jon's words.

"Thank you, Jon." You smile at him.

"Would you like to go for a ride?" Jon quickly looks around, waiting for your response.

"Of course. Shall I go get the horses then?" You step out of your chamber, closing the heavy door behind you.

Jon doesn't respond to your question, being too mentally happy to respond. You follow the bastard of Ned Stark out to the stables, where your (F/C) horse and Jon's horse are. You walk over to your horse, saddling (horse gender) up with all the necessary equipment. As soon as you're done saddling your horse, you jump on (horse name) and follow Jon out of the stables.

*time skip*

The two of you rode all throughout the grounds of the castle; wherever you could, really. You rode for hours without realizing it, happy to be spending time with Jon. You had to admit, you liked both of the oldest Stark brothers, but you had more of a liking for Jon than Robb. Jon seemed more down-to-earth than Robb. Jon was stronger than Robb in terms of combat, but Robb was stronger than Jon at war strategy.

By the time the sun set, you had ridden to the outskirts of Winterfell with Jon. You looked around to see Jon staring at you; unable to keep your laughter contained, you burst out laughing.

"What is it (Y/N)?" Jon is shaken from staring at you.

"You've been staring at me for quite a long time. Is there something on my face?" You smile, knowing that there isn't anything on your face.

"Yes, there is," Jon hops off his horse and you do the same, taking a small break.

Jon walks over to you, one of his hands gently rests on your cheek. He stares at you for what seems like an eternity. Within that time, you become lost in his eyes as well. You lean in to kiss Jon, your lips connecting with his. After a few passionate minutes, you two let go and stare at each other once again; this time out of breath.

"It's right here." Jon swoops down and kisses you gently once again.

"You tricked me." You laugh as Jon smiles.

"I know." Jon walks back to his horse, a smile still on his face.

You jump on your horse once again and ride back to the castle with Jon.

*time skip*

Jon walks you back to your chamber, the walk is filled with silence. You exchange a glance with Jon before you enter your chamber for the night. You fall asleep happy and in love.

Word Count: 900

Jon Snow x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now