I'll Cure You of Disease

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Sometimes, people die.

Sometimes, famine happens.

Sometimes, diseases and plagues happen.

Sometimes, war strikes.

Sometimes, the wind is still and everything seems to be okay. 

Most of the time, people don't care about who dies or who lives- as long as it's not a loved one. People will do whatever it takes to make sure someone doesn't die. People hate it when they're alone. 

But sometimes, being alone happens. 


"(Y/N)?" Your brother entered your chamber, taking a seat next to your bed.

"Yes?" You yawn.

"Long night?" You smile at your brother's assumption. 

"Yes, unfortunately." You look down and then back at him. 

"What could you have been doing all night, possibly?"  Your brother smiles at you.

"Well first, I went for a walk. Then I found myself looking at the sky. I made my way from the courtyard to my chamber and read for a little while. And then I fell asleep." You sit up in your bed.

"So a good night, I presume?" 


"Well get dressed, you have a guest." Your brother coyly smiles at you. 

"A visitor?" You laugh quietly.

"Yes. Just come see who it is." With that, your brother left your chamber. Quickly, you got dressed, made way to the great hall, and sat at the large table in the middle of the room. 

Looking around the room, you didn't notice your visitor enter. You only noticed when he sat down. The way he looked surprised you. He was at most a few years older than you. His eyes were dark but comforting.

Your mother walked in and sat between the both of you, "(Y/N), this is Jon Snow," You nod and look at the strange visitor before you, "as you know, you are coming of age and we will need a new queen very soon." 

Your mother was hinting that you're being married off to a complete stranger. Your heart raced and your life flashed before your eyes. Would you like being married to this stranger? Who, exactly, is he? Where does he come from? Is he nice? What's his family like?

"(Y/N)?" Your mother set her hand on your shoulder, shaking you from your thoughts.

"Yes?" You shake your head, realizing you were trailing off in your thoughts.

"I'm going to leave you two to be alone." Your mother abruptly took her leave.

You were stuck with the complete stranger that called himself 'Jon Snow'.

"Your dress is a lovely shade of (Y/F/C)." His voice was deep. 

You subconsciously blushed, surprised at his sudden compliment. 

"Thank you, Lord-" 

You were cut off by Jon's voice, "It's just Jon. I'm no lord." 

"Thank you, Jon." You shyly smile.


Jon thought back on the very first moment he met you as he held your dying hands in his thriving ones. You had gotten poisoned by an assassin right before the war ended. The poison took months to take full effect. By the time you figured out what happened, it was too late. There was no saving you. At best, you could just lay there and accept your fate. No amount of the best medicine in Westeros could heal you. 

Within days of reminiscing of the very first moment he laid eyes on you, you passed away. Winterfell was darker than usual the day you died. You were already a true queen; five little ones ran around the castle. Yet the day you died, the five little ones stood still in their rooms, staring out their windows. 

A/N: I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever, but here I am! College is very demanding 🙃

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