The Day Began Badly

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"Leah D'Andre Elizabeth Prince, get up right now or you're walking!" I groaned and buried my face deeper into the pillows.Three words. I.Hate. Mornings."Don't make me do this," His tone sounded like a warning but sure, like if he can do any-


"WHAT THE HELL!" I sprung out of bed as the cold liquid drips down my SpongeBob pajamas. I flinched at the sudden change in light as my eyes adjusted to the bright room. I scanned my surroundings to see who I needed to murder and it was none other than my asshole of a brother, standing at the edge of my bed with a stupid smirk on his face.

I'd like to wipe that smirk off.

I slowly got edged away from my bed and started approaching my prey. Immediately his smirk dropped and fear painted his features, his eyes wide with fear. "That was a bad idea," I said. As I got closer and closer he kept backing away. "Leah I'm sorry okay? just don't"- he had no time to speak as I pounced on him and pinned him to the ground and he started screaming like a 6 year-old girl.

Huh,eighteen years old my butt

"I said I was sorry come on!!!" said Jace as I punched him in the chest multiple times. After about two minutes of him screaming and begging for mercy, I finally got off of him and headed to the bathroom.

When I got out I changed into my underwear and looked through my closet for a Friday outfit.

I settled on a grey sweatshirt that said "DOPE" in red writing, black leggings and red Vans with white laces. When I finished changing, I scraped my straight, dark brown, shoulder-length hair into a pony tail. Since caking on makeup was not my style, I decided just to apply some cherry lip gloss and put my thick, black glasses over my big light brown eyes.
As I was leaving my room, I caught a glimpse of myself in my mirror with my stupid big thighs making themselves prominent. I was smaller on top than at the bottom and I had a huge behind that I really hate. I was a little blessed in the chest area and my stomach was definitely not flat. It wasn't a pot belly but it wasn't pancake. I pursed my lips making my dimple on my right cheek show out and shook my head in an attempt to disperse any insecure thoughts. I sighed and left my room.


"Good morning sweetie, want some pancakes?" I returned my dad's greeting and agreed to get pancakes. I mean come on, who can say no to food? "Morning sis," said my brother exaggeratingly chirpish at witch I rolled my eyes. He sat on a the barstool next to me and put an arm around my shoulder with a big grin on his face. I pushed off his muscular arm and flipped him the bird just before a plate of pancakes was pushed in front of me. I heard Jace's faint chuckle as I dug into my pancakes and moaned in delight as the Nutella invaded my taste buds.

"Are you ready for school lovebug?" said my dad.
"Ready as I'll ever be," I sighed.
When Jace and I finished our pancakes, we said our goodbyes to dad and left for school.


My brother parked his black pickup truck and we got out to meet the crisp morning air. As we got out and were heading to the trunk to get our bags, I took this opportunity to take in his appearance.
He was wearing a white tee that hugged his toned torso with "DOPE" written in red writing like my sweatshirt, black and white Adidas pants and black Nike air max shoes. "Well don't you look dashing," I said jokingly with a chuckle. "Thanks," he said with a smile as he ran his hand through his dark brown hair. "Have a great day at school sis," said Jace and he gave me a peck on the forehead before leaving with his jock friends so I made my way through the doors of Mohogany High alone.

"Hey the ogre is back!" I heard someone say to me followed by laughter as I tried my best to get to my locker while getting as little attention as possible. I pulled my hoodie over my hair and bent down to keep a low profile. As I bent down I saw a leg stretched out in front of me and I stepped over it because I knew someone was trying to trip me. Ha nice try bastar-


I fell down due to an unexpected force with a thud. Pain shot through my waist. Ouch that's gonna leave a bruise,"What the hell!" I looked up to see who is the culprit and I saw the one and only Jayden Foley.

Jayden has always hated me since third grade. He always used to take away my dollies or laugh at my ponytails. That prick used to tease me and say that I had "cancer" because my hair wasn't like freaking Rupunzel lile all the other girls in the class. Ugh what a dumbass.

"Awww the ogre is too fat to get up!!" His statement caused an eruption of laughter through the hallway. Hot tears pricked my eyes as I started to get up.

No I will not waste tears on them.
As I made my way to my locker, I continued to get tripped and shoved but I managed to get through.
My heart dropped to my stomach and I felt my pancakes coming up as what I saw broke my heart ; there was "fat pig" written in big, black spray painted letters across my locker I stared at it; rooted to the spot as laughter filled the hallway and I could see people pointing at me in my peripheral vision. I felt a stray tear slip down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away before anyone can see it. I quickly got my books, slammed my locker shut and made my way to my first period, Math *shudders*.


Hiiii *waves frantically but probably looks like a crazy person* Here's a new book im working on trying to find an update schedule but her ya go for now😊
Remember to-


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Lots of pineapples and popcorn Sincerely, meeee

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