~Chapter 2 - Chibi~

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Author Note: Might have left you on a cliff hanger in the last chapter. There is also cursing in this because Romano will be in it. And references to the Holy Roman Empire and Italy's love for him. 


~Last Time~

"Black sheep of Europe, you should listen to your magic friends because they know better than you." France tells England and insulting him at the same time.

"You French ninny will turn small again. So you can feel the torture of being small." England says to him waving his wand and saying magical words which didn't make sense at all. When England finish saying the spell, there was a flash of light of the spell working. There was one little problem, France dodges the magical attack.


With France dodging the magical attack from England, it went straight towards (Y/N) who was casually reading a book.

When the magical attack hits (Y/N), it knocks her off her seat and onto the floor with a flash of light. Italy yells in fright and jumping on top of Germany who didn't even notice anything until he had Italy sitting on his lap. Prussia rolls his chair away hitting Ms Hungary who really didn't care wtf was going on. Lastly, Japan was taking down notes of this fight so he could produce it into anime. 

The next 5 minutes, everyone was silent because they didn't know what to do next. They all just waiting for the light to calm down so they could see if (Y/N) was okay and hopefully alive.

When this happens, (Y/N)'s clothes was on the full but they couldn't really see her. Until Italy says "England, killed (Y/N)!" crying as the other countries death glared England.

"He didn't kill me, Italy-chan." a voice said out of nowhere.

"I can still hear her." Italy continues to cry now on Germany's shoulder. Germany wasn't happy about this but if (Y/N) did die then he will let it slide... for now. 

"For the love of God! Italy I am not dead, yet." The voice continues to say. Prussia looks close at (Y/N)'s clothes to see, (Y/n) herself popping her head out of her white blouse. Prussia just laughs and picks up (Y/N).

"Keseses! (Y/N), you look so cute as a child." Prussia comments and every one looks at him seeing that indeed (Y/N) wasn't dead but just in a younger form. 

"I'm not cute!" (Y/N) says to him in her child like voice. 

"(Y/N). How do you feel, love?" England asks approaching her. 

"I'm fine Engwand. Just tell me there is a way to turn me back to normal? Plus is there any side effects to this?" (Y/N) asks, looking at England.

"Other than your child like voice. I think that's it. With turning you back to normal, it might take me some time to figure out a spell." England says to her.

"Okay then." (Y/N) says with nothing to include until everyone hears Ms Hungary saying

"(Y/N)! I bet I still have the dresses that Italy wore when he was younger." She pulls out her hand bag and pulls out a dress out of nowhere.

"I'm not wearing a dress! Prussia get me away from her!" (Y/N) complaints and orders Prussia which Prussia just slide away in his chair when he sees Hungary with her frying pan.

"Traitor." (Y/N) says and starts to run away from the crazy dress loving Hungarian but she didn't get far because of her little legs. 

"Got Ya!" Hungary says in victory and takes her to the bathroom to get changed, with permission from Germany of course. 

~Timeskip~ Brought to you by (Y/N) complaining about wearing a dress.    

When they arrive back to the meeting room, (Y/N) was in Italy's green maid dress which everyone in the whole room awed at how cute she is.

"Ah, (Y/N)-chan you look so cute as a Bambina. All you need now is a Holy Rome." Italy comments while taking her out of Ms Hungary's arms before he just saddens at that face. 

"Hey, why is Itary-chan sad arr of a sudden?" Japan asks.

"You Buffon. Italy was in love with the Holy Roman Empire. That's Italy's first love." Austria states.

"WAIT... WHAT! ITALY WAS IN LOVE?" Practically everyone in the whole room yelled in surprise instead of (Y/N), Hungary and Austria because they knew.

"Woah. Dude was she hot if you loved her that much." America says to him.

"Holy Rome was a guy. He mistakes me for being a girl because of my high pitch voice even Austria thought I was a girl." Italy commented.

"Hey! Don't blame me, blame Hungary for putting you in a dress." Austria butts in.

"Hey Mr Austria, if I knew Italy was a guy from the start. How can you not? Even Romano wore a dress and everyone knew he was a boy. He even called Italy, Fratello." Spain also butts in then everyone just looks at Romano who was cursing up a storm. 

"You fucking tomato eating bastard! You said you will never speak of it!" Romano approaches Spain and starts choking him.

"Also, German loving bastard of a Fratello! Why the fuck were you in love with an another guy? Like isn't women good enough for you? Is that why you sleep with the potato eating bastard?" Romano asks Italy as he was choking Spain. He got lessons on how to choke people by Norway himself.

"But Big Bro! Women a good too... To be honest I like both Men and Women. Plus Germany keeps me safe." Italy replies to Romano as everyone gasps. (I believe that Italy is kind of Bi because of the Roman Church, he has to follow the rules of straight marriage. IDK this is what I believe just deal with it please just for now.)

"Keseses! It's sad because it's true. Vho doesn't like sharing a bed with Vest? or been protected by Vest?" Prussia comments and everyone just looks at Germany.

"I have to agree with Prussia. He would make a wonderful wife. He cooks and cleans and keeps Belarus at bay, da." Russia says and everyone just backs away from Russia and Germany because you can just hear Ms Belarus saying 'Big brother lets become one~' while throwing her knives at Germany.  

"Ms Belarus! Calm down, please! I don't vant to become the vife of Russia." Germany says as Ms Belarus stops throwing her knives at him.

"You will live... For now Mr Germany." Ms Belarus says and sits down while playing with her knives.

After everyone settles down, and the meeting was over because nothing was going to happen. Lucky for the countries at least the important stuff was done first. Everyone concluded that England would have to fix up his mess for turning (Y/N) into a child or the rest of the magic trio would have to get involved. Italy and Germany said they will look after (Y/N) in the mean time in case something happens and of course with Prussia's help when they are both busy. Hungary said she will stop by tomorrow with clothes for (Y/N) that she could wear. 

Then all the countries start to file out of the meeting room, but the rest of the Axis stayed behind because now they have to figure out how will they take (Y/N) home because she is short and needs a special child chair. Italy offers to have (Y/N) in his lap on the ride home at the back with Prussia while Japan sits in the front with Germany. 

When all the countries have left the meeting room, the Axis file out to Germany's car for a short ride home... hopefully. 

By the time they arrived at Germany's house, (Y/N) has fallen a sleep because of the day she had. Also, may I point out it was night time now. Everyone agreed it would be best to go to bed. Italy took (Y/N) to her room while the rest of the countries either went straight to bed or eat a quick snack before bed. 

At the end of the day, Germany's house was quiet, with a Prussian in the basement snoring, Italy already sneaked into Germany's room who was already snoring up a storm. Mr Japan was in the guest/ his room a sleep silently and (Y/N) was already asleep silently.


Author Note: I am sorry if this sound crap but this is the best I could do! If I reference something wrong, please do tell me and I will fix it up. Plus I hope you enjoy my interpreting of the countries reaction to certain things. 

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